The Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce has been supporting local businesses for over 65 years. As a nonprofit organization, the Chamber exists to provide education, visibility, and advocacy to its members.
The Westfield Chamber has approximately 250 members, from single owner-operator businesses to large entities such as Mestek, Westfield State University, and Baystate Noble Hospital. Each member has specific reasons for joining the Chamber, but all members share the goal of growing a healthy business.
Westfield City Lifestyle Publisher Wade Rivest sat down with Amanda Waterfield, the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Director to learn more about how the Chamber serves and supports its members.
WR: For newer businesses that haven’t been exposed to the Chamber, what sort of things can you expose them to that they might miss on their own?
AW: The Chamber excels at building complementary relationships among members. Many of our members are small businesses who are passionate about their work. For example, someone who runs a boutique might love fashion but might have little desire to handle the bookkeeping, payroll, or business taxes. We can provide referrals and guidance on the best companies to deliver those services.
WR: What are the benefits of in-person networking vs. cold introductions?
AW: Often, a member wants to connect with someone in a given industry, or at a specific company. At a large event where dozens of companies are coming together to mark an occasion, it’s easy and organic to make those connections. I am frequently asked to make introductions between members. People connect more naturally in person where they can shake hands, make eye contact, and learn about one another in an environment that may have a comfortable, social feel to it.
We offer many opportunities for members to get to know each other. Last year we hosted 40 events ranging from coffee hours to joint networking events with other regional Chambers. There is no better referral than word of mouth, and when our members get to know each other through regular networking, they often recommend other members to friends and family.
WR: If someone is looking to open a business, why is Westfield a good place to do that?
AW: Westfield has so much to offer the community at large! What other city can you think of that has a baseball team like the Westfield Starfires, a local hospital like Baystate Noble, a university, both a public airport and a military base, a children’s campus that includes Amelia Park Ice Arena, Amelia Park Children’s Museum, and the Boys and Girls Club? We are gaining in diversity and our downtown is enriched by a growing restaurant scene and the new cultural district designation from the state.
WR: Does the health of the Chamber reflect the local economy?
AW: It absolutely does. We’ve added more than 30 new members in the past year. That tells me that Westfield is a desirable place to locate a business.
We offer many opportunities for members to get to know each other. Last year we hosted 40 events ranging from coffee hours to joint networking events with other regional Chambers.