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The Company Bringing Health Care to Texas & Beyond

From local urgent cares to a non-profit in Kenya, find out about the company making a world of difference.

17 years ago, three brothers had a vision of bringing a faith-based health care company to North Texas. What started as a small clinic in Joshua has grown to include seven Emergency Rooms, five Urgent Care primary care centers, one outpatient behavioral health center and one non-profit clinic. When you use their health care services, you aren’t just getting quality care, but you’re helping the company give back. 

Total Care is a Christian-based health care company with over 500+ employees on three different continents. Dion Lampe, the Sr. Director for Community Liaisons, tells us a bit more about the message and goals of the company. “Total Care is a different kind of health care company,” says Lampe. “We put our patients first; we are proactive in our faith and infuse it into every aspect of the company. The passion of the owners about creating a better world—you hear it all the time at other places, but you don’t always see it. At Total Care, we want to leave a footprint of helping. That’s just a little glimpse into the kind of company we want to be.” 

This ideology especially shines when looking at their goal to open a non-profit clinic for every profit clinic they operate. The first one in Eldoret, Kenya, opened in late 2020. In August 2021, Total Care took a mission trip to the clinic. They brought 13 suitcases filled with medical supplies, a fetal monitor, and most importantly, a medical-grade sonogram. Most Kenyans are unable to access basic health care services like bone density tests and medicine, and pregnant mothers are especially at risk. Currently, one in four infants do not survive birth, one in six mothers do not survive labor, and there are only four sonograms in all of Kenya. 

This is why, for Dion and his teammates, their visit to the clinic was extraordinary. The first walk-up patient was a young pregnant woman. Three of her four previous pregnancies hadn’t turned out well, and this time, just a few weeks away from delivery, she was able to see her healthy baby and hear its heartbeat for the first time. “It was a God thing for us,” says Lampe. 

“This project was two to three years in the making,” he says. “We combined forces with Deliverance Church (Total Care is in partnership with the church, and the clinic sits on the church campus in Eldoret), along with local physicians and medical students, to bring these much-needed health services to the community.” The team from Total Care saw 598 patients during the days they were at the clinic. 

What happens now that the team is back in North Texas? More good things. The non-profit clinic is thriving, having gone from two to three patient visits a day to eight to 10. It employs five full-time medical care professionals, including one physician. In addition, physicians from the medical school volunteer their time, which gives the clinic the resources to visit communities that are unable to reach the clinic. 

Total Care has created a foundation, the Total Care Foundation, and they can now accept donations for future non-profit centers. There are future mission trips planned, and a visit from the staff at the Eldoret clinic is in the works for this year. “We might be a for-profit company,” said Dion, but in reality, we are there to make a profit so we can push more non-profits into the world.”

To find out more about Total Care visit