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The Connection

Chiropractic and Love

Chiropractic care is widely known for its benefits on the neuromusculoskeletal system, and most people seek chiropractic treatment for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other pain-based conditions. But, how can chiropractic impact intimate health?

The Spine and Nervous System: Deviations from the normal spinal configuration can negatively impact nerve communication to all parts of the body. Having your spine corrected helps optimize nerve function and heighten the body’s response to these sensations. Without a well-functioning nervous system, the body can struggle to interpret and then integrate loving and intimate inputs. 

Enhanced Blood Flow: Many studies have shown that proper spinal alignment increases blood flow. Increased blood flow to our body helps us to maintain healthy tissues, sensitivity, and overall physical vitality. Increased blood flow to the brain helps us with positive mood, energy, and feelings of happiness and connection to others.

Stress and Tension Reduction: Well-delivered chiropractic care reduces mental and physical stressors on the body and mind. This helps the nervous system coordinate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (autonomic nervous system). This helps us in relationships by balancing our emotions, expression of needs, and maintaining calm during challenging periods. The coordinated effort of each component is seamless when our body is not carrying stress and tension. 

Pain Reduction: A classic use of chiropractic care is to reduce physical pain in the body. Let’s be honest, physical pain in the body prevents us from connecting to those we love. It’s easy to dismiss and ignore those we love because our brain is focused on the discomfort in our body. Reducing and eliminating that pain reconnects us to those around us because we aren’t over-processing the somatic discomfort.

A well-functioning spine is important for countless reasons, and not the least of them being a capacity for a healthy love life. If you or your partner are feeling disconnected, consider a sophisticated chiropractic approach to improve the most important part of your life.

A well-functioning spine is important for countless reasons, one being a healthy love life.