We often use positive adjectives such as “vibrant, energetic, and youthful” or negative ones like “tired, aged, and concerned” to describe a person. Unfortunately, our eyes may give false impressions when there are genetic or age-related changes resulting in hooded or droopy upper eyelids.
Eyelid surgery is unique in that that it can make a person look younger without being obvious and have a positive impact on how they look to the world.
So what are the things I look for to ensure you have the best natural result?
- I look at the eyebrows. The outer part of our brow often descends and deflates as we age. Most people see the effect of that as hooding and heaviness of the outer eyelid. Raising the tail of the brow restores normal anatomy and enhances the results of eyelid surgery.
- I look at the eyelid fullness or volume deficiency. Many people have deflation of the central eyelid fat pad. As a result, the skin loses its internal support (like a mattress that loses its firmness) and the skin folds become more prominent.
- I look at the skin and its quality. While I can remove the extra skin that has stretched over time, the skin left behind may have also lost its elasticity and firmness.
- I look at the eyelid position. The eyelid itself may come down, causing ptosis. Failure to recognize and correct this may leave you still looking tired.
While this may be overwhelming, these are important details that a surgeon should analyze to achieve the best results. The good thing is that upper blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) has a very high satisfaction rate and can be done in the office with just local anesthesia. Most patients feel that the recovery is quick and painless.
Flora Levin MD, FACS
Board-Certified Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon
1391 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880
(203) 557-6464