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The Hope of Health

Dr. J's mission is helping families live a full and healthy life

Ever since she was little, Jessica Mitchell knew she was going to be a doctor. “I always loved helping people and I loved little kids. I started babysitting when I was 10, and I was the one who would use the tweezers and needle to remove splinters from my siblings’ feet,” she laughs. “I’ve always loved kiddos and the miracle of pregnancy.”

When she was young Jessica’s favorite reading material was an old ’60s book called “A Child is Born.” She would open it and pour over the pictures. “It was the first time they had the technology to photograph a sperm and egg uniting and the whole growth process,” she recalls. “I was just fascinated. I actually got to see my baby sister born when I was nine, and my baby brother when I was 13.”

Intrigued by life in general, Jessica decided to fulfill her childhood dream and go to chiropractic school — and followed it with advanced training for pregnancy and pediatrics. “Believe it or not I didn’t know that you could adjust pregnant women or kids, or that adjusting pregnant women can actually reduce labor and delivery times by up to 60 percent. I honestly knew very little about chiropractic, but I knew I loved helping families.”

Today Jessica is known by all as Dr. J. Her business, Foundation Wellness, focuses on three areas — pregnant women, children and busy CEOs. “I grab my portable table, throw it on my back, knock on the patient’s door or go into the lobby, and get set up in a conference room. The most gratifying part of my job is to give families the hope of health.”



There are things that you can do with chiropractic to prepare the body to have a child. I actually start adjusting both mom and dad when they decide they want to start trying. This will get their bodies in the right position to allow full nervous system flow to the male and female organs. I’ll also make sure they have the nutrients they need to develop a healthy baby, and maintain their health.

TOP: "Starting from fertility prepares the body for pregnancy."

BOTTOM: "The goal is to keep families happy and healthy."



Children love getting adjusted. They hop right up on the table. The reason it’s important for kids is that coming through the birth canal is a traumatic process. It’s very important to get the child started off right with the correct alignment. This can affect everything from breastfeeding issues, reflux issues, constipation issues, sinus infections, and asthma as they get older. It’s amazing to get rid of ear infections naturally without drugs and surgery.

TOP: "It's important to get children started off with the correct alignment."

BOTTOM: "Regular adjustments help keep the kiddos healthy."


Focusing on Holistic Health

Busy CEOs don’t often take the time for their own health, and families suffer because they’re in pain, they’re stressed and they’re irritable. When I get set up with my table it takes less than 15 minutes, and if it’s a healthy person, under five minutes. An adjustment gives them that ability to be able to keep their spine in alignment, which decreases the incidence of back and neck pain as well as stress.

TOP: "Helping busy moms and dads relax gives them more energy."

BOTTOM: "Sometimes the whole family gets involved and it's just super fun."

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