Kerry Clasby, the founder of Intuitive Forager, is a true renaissance woman. She is an educator, public speaker, published writer, acclaimed forager. Clasby is the consummate professional when it comes to foraging and farmers' markets. Additionally, she is one of the original pioneers of culinary foraging. For more than two decades, she has been sourcing top-quality-rarefied produce for celebrity chefs with world-renowned restaurants in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York.
You would think this forager grew up on a farm as a young girl, but that is not the case, making her story even more intriguing. Clasby is a Boston native who studied Political Science at Boston College before working in the corporate world at IBM and Xerox. Things changed after attending The French Cooking School in Boston; she envisioned a more naturalist cooking approach than a 'traditional' style. It was then that Kerry discovered her talent and her mission.
In 1993, all started to come together when she started, managed, and implemented the strategic growth of California's first CSA program through the Waldorf Education Network. From these connections and inspiration for this project, she started an heirloom tomato farm and foraged wild mushrooms in the winter. These 'flagship products' were the beginning of the Intuitive Forager and a flourishing Farm-to-Table movement, and she never looked back.
"I was an organic farmer on Cape Cod which was great unless a bad storm would wipe out my early crops," said Clasby. "When I came to California, I thought I would be here for a year. But I could grow things all year round here. I volunteered at the Malibu Fig Ranch has been growing organically since 1954. When they eventually needed a ranch manager, I took it over. I am a tenant farmer, and we run a community farm that is 16 acres perched above the Pacific. What I cannot grow myself, I source from other farmers."
Over the years, Clasby has become the face and voice of the family farmer to master chefs. "I ended up moving here with my husband, and we would travel back and forth weekly from California. I went to the farmers market and thought this was ridiculous and started bringing coolers of produce to the back door of restaurants. Chefs Mario Batali and Nancy Silverman understood what I was doing, and Mario was going to open three restaurants in Vegas and wanted my produce. That is how I got started years ago."
An active proponent of great food, sustainability, and a healthy lifestyle, Kerry continues to forage with many projects in the works, including new and exciting things at the Intuitive Foragers Farmers Markets in Las Vegas Malibu Fig Ranch. “I vet everyone and where the food comes from, and I know the growing practices," said Clasby.
For decades, this renaissance forager has been culling through the farms and fields of California's small family farms, gaining a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable aggregators in the industry teaching people how to eat. Clasby works closely with her team and hundreds of organic farmers to create an exclusive Farm Box that selects the highest quality produce from certified organic farms, including her farm in Malibu. Your nose will immediately recognize the Intuitive Forager Farm Box when aromas of fresh herbs, ripe tomatoes, sweet carrots, perfectly picked fruit, and rows of new crops jump right out of your very own box.
Her just-picked organic produce from California's premier farms, fields, and orchards are hand-selected for the Intuitive Forager Farm Box and delivered directly to your home, office, and kitchen. Think of it as hand-crafted artisanal goods inclusive. The market is bursting with nutritious produce grown in uncontaminated conditions. The healthiest living soil provides the maximum immune-boosting benefits, ensuring you can continue eating healthy organic farm-to-table food.
Clasby's Markets are an event in their own right! They host chef demonstrations by some of the most reputable personalities in the trade and culinary events showcasing local artisans' hand-curated products from tea to spices. There are even Children's activities, homeschooling groups, festivals, yoga classes, and educational seminars.
"My Markets have become a converging point where chef-private and public sector alike, share skills, information, ideas, and solutions to a more sustainable way of life. We are more than a farmers' market; we are a thriving, bustling community looking to one another for resources, intellectual property, training, and even fun as our urban areas reinvent themselves," said Kerry.
Awarded Best of Las Vegas for over a decade, the Intuitive Forager Farmers Markets offer the largest selection of organic produce and locally sourced products in Nevada. Over 600 farms and thousands of varieties of produce grace the Markets farm stands throughout the seasons. Downtown 3rd, located in the heart of the Las Vegas Revitalization Project, is open every Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.