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The Key Advantage

Vision and Success in 2024

Success is an evolving mindset that requires vision and keeping your mind focused on what is ahead. These interviews with six incredible men also help us identify that success is about relationships and putting what truly matters first in our lives, people, our loved ones and those we choose to partner with in life.

Charlie Cummings
Founder/Managing Broker, Innovate Commercial Real Estate

What makes you passionate about life and real estate?

Innovate Commercial Real Estate is a full-service boutique real estate brokerage helping clients lease, buy, and sell commercial real estate. I'm passionate about building community both in my personal and professional life. Part of my success is also helping my clients build generational wealth so they can focus on what they are passionate about in their lives.

What would you say is the key advantage to success?

Responsiveness and transparency. We make it a priority to put our clients' best interests at the center. We are able to build long-term relationships on trust.

How do you maintain a healthy mindset and lifestyle as a business owner?

It is a challenge for sure, especially as a new dad! I think what I've learned is spending time with family, being active outdoors and enjoying good food are moments that I really take the time to appreciate. I would just encourage anyone in business to be as intentional as possible with their time and align their values to those they want to be in business with.

Mike German
Owner, Handyman Connection of Parker

What is most important when it comes to keeping your eyes on the future?

One of the most important things regarding building a business for the future is anticipating consumer demand and being in the path of process. Parker is poised for growth! We are investing a ton into our downtown. We are positioned well to meet client needs with excellence and care.

You're also a member of the chamber of commerce, what word of encouragement do you have for businesses in Parker?

Parker is a great place to start a business. The community is so welcoming and vibrant. I recommend any new business owners get involved and dive into as much as they can to get the word out and share their vision.

What would you say is your key advantage in leading a healthy life both personally and professionally?

Having a healthy lifestyle gives me the energy and ability to navigate the challenges of business ownership. Being an entrepreneur can be quite a rollercoaster ride. Even getting daily workouts at the local Planet Fitness with my buddies makes tackling the day even easier.

Derek Johnson
Director of Orthopedics and Service Line Director for Joint Replacement, Advent Health

Please share about the joint replacement program you developed at AdventHealth.

Coming out of fellowship I had opportunities to go to well-established joint replacement programs, but I sought the challenge of creating something from scratch. When I came to Parker, we were performing between 10-15 joint replacements per year. Today, we perform more than 500 joint replacements per year. We were the first hospital in Colorado to receive an accreditation by the Joint Commission for joint replacement. We are one of the leading hospitals in the country when it comes to custom patient specific joint replacement.

What for you is the key to enjoying life and being successful?

I believe one must keep their family at the center of their life. I am a husband, father and son who is passionate about orthopedic surgery and work. When you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. I am blessed to be able to care for and change my patients’ lives with joint replacement. I also believe community involvement outside your career is important. For me, that has been through coaching. Coaching has afforded the opportunity to interact with hundreds of families in the Parker community and, more importantly, help shape young men and show them that men can have a successful demanding career, but continue to maintain a faith and family focus while giving back to their community.

Daniel Okwena
Managing Attorney

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! Could you please introduce yourself and your family?

Thank you! I am married to my amiable wife, Deidra. Together we have our precious 5-month-old daughter, Dyomi. I graduated with honors from the University of Lagos Law School in 2010. I am licensed to practice law in the U.S. and Nigeria. I am the managing attorney at Okwena Immigration LLC, where we specialize in family and business immigration, representing corporations, as well as immigrants like myself and their families. I am also the co-chair of the African Leadership Group (ALG) Legal Clinic and a staff attorney at the Center for Immigrants in Denver.

When I am not working, I enjoy running, playing tennis and spending time with my family.

As a professional with a growing family, what do you find most important to you?

First is my relationship with God. I want my life to be continually God-centered and seek to honor Him in every way. Secondly, having a young family, my aspiration is to be able to spend quality time, establish traditions and create fond memories with the ones I love. I am also very close to my extended family and friends. I want to keep it that way. Lastly, my work gives me a lot of fulfillment. I am committed to passionately advocating for my clients and growing my legal practice.

Matt Oster
Co-Owner, The Fitness Lab

How do you bridge the gap between overthinking and making quick, but healthy decisions? 

Something I learned a long time ago was to surround myself with trusted advisors. Each day I am confronted with challenges and new scenarios that require me to act quickly and in the best interest of our clients, employees and the facility. When a situation requires fast action, I rely on my network of trusted advisors. 

What is important when improving your health or physical performance?

Mindset is everything. Half the battle is helping my clients work through those voices in their head that are holding them back or telling them they can't do something hard. It’s healthy to admit change does not happen overnight. Improving your physical health and changing your mindset requires a strong 100% commitment.

How do you keep your eyes on the vision ahead?

I know from firsthand experience that taking care of my physical health has helped me in every aspect of my life. When I became a husband and later a dad, my drive to pass along this message and grow this business grew as well. My family has become my ultimate motivator. I love what I do and I have an amazing support system not only at home but at work as well. That is what allows me to keep doing what I love.

Jorge Saldana and Wesley Kalogris
Owners/MNGM, Parker T-Shirt Company and Hair Genius

How do you stay ahead of the details with two businesses?

We stay ahead of the details because we both play significant roles that allocate the requirements and separate the workload between the two of us to run successful businesses. Jorge does all our marketing, business operations and runs our barbershop. Wesley handles all the logistics, finances and strategic direction for all our businesses. 

What is the key to being successful for you?

Having a positive mindset, being goal oriented and making sure that you work towards your goals every single day! The key is to stay motivated. You have to have movement toward your dreams by setting realistic goals that you can achieve each day toward your success. Believing you can achieve your goals along with a good work ethic go a long way. A very important part of business and life is patience, commitment and never giving up - making sure that you find solutions and work very carefully to manage your stress. We take care to respect and support each other as well.