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The Market At River Falls

Feeding Montgomery County Students During the Pandemic

From the onset of the pandemic The Market at River Falls has been mindful of how Covid-19 impacts those less fortunate. Being in the food business, they were especially concerned about families who were going hungry and sought for a way to help. They connected with two great organizations. Kind Works ( connected them with the 480 Club (, and the Market has since implemented a lunch program for local kids. These organizations do important work helping the youth and families in the local communities.

Over 50-percent of Montgomery County school students qualify for free school breakfasts, lunches and snacks. As schools closed, federally funded breakfast and lunch programs were no longer available. For many, a school lunch was the most nutritious meal of the day. The Market decided this was a great way to give back to the community and to support kids. For over two months, they have been donating 136 high quality lunches weekly for students and staff at two “study pods.” These study pods comprise a group of 16 underprivileged students who meet under supervision at two community centers in Gaithersburg, while they attend class virtually.

Additionally, at the suggestion of Joseph Hooks of the 480 club, we have begun sending after school sandwiches, sides and fruit to a group of 25 underprivileged 10- and 11-year-old boys. Joe works with these young boys to help build their mental, physical and emotional capacities, and to prepare them for the future. To thrive, they also need the right amount of food and calories – something they are in short supply at home.

To help, please visit or and specify that your donation should go to this effort.

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