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Giving the cows some attention

Featured Article

The Morgan Homestead

Creating Traditions To Pass Down

Article by Desiree Gustafson

Photography by David Grossman of Colorado Photography

Originally published in Windsor City Lifestyle

Life always has a way of surprising us and sometimes, the things that we are seeking have a way of finding us when we least expect it. Such is the case for Shana and Christian Morgan and the century old homestead that they now get to make their own. For over 20 years, Shana has worked in various sectors of real estate, finally finding her niche as a land broker selling farm and ranch real estate. Through this, she had the opportunity to list the almost 200-acre property that their now homestead sits on. Having already been looking to purchase property themselves for quite a while, she and her husband Christian had been on the property many times, falling in love with its history and charm, never dreaming they would have the chance to set down roots there. As fate would have it, her client purchased the property and when they were walking out of closing, he turned to them both and asked, “Do you guys want to buy the homestead?” Without hesitation, and in perfect unison, the Morgans said yes! They then went through the process of separating the homestead property from the rest of the acreage, finally closing on their dream in February of 2020. 

They then spent the next 3 months giving the 1889 Benjamin Eaton home on the property a cosmetic update, hoping to do a more extensive update later down the line. After selling their property in town, Shana and Christian moved to the homestead in June of that year. With two other buildings on the land, they have just begun renovating the second house and turned the original one room shack that they believe predates the 1889 home, as Shana’s office. Christian, being a very gifted carpenter and sort of jack of all trades, has completed 99.9% of the work on the farm and home renovations himself, making the end result all the sweeter for the Morgan Family. “It is pretty amazing to look around and see what we have accomplished in three years mostly by his hand, it is pretty special for us” shares Shana.

All the livestock and animals the Morgans now have came after their move to the homestead. They now own their own black angus cattle, goats, chickens for eggs, barn cats, their dogs, and for a time, pigs. The ownership and care for these animals have changed their perspective and given them a new outlook on life and food, because of their move to the homestead. From raising and processing their own animals to growing their own crops, the Morgans have found an appreciation, a bittersweetness, and a new labor of love for being able to provide for their own family.

Among the animals they have come to respect and love are the Morgan’s three dogs Bear, Rya, and Patty Cakes and their barn cat Mr. Shelby. All three of their dogs, and even their cat are rescues of sorts, each with a different and unique story as to how they came into the Morgan’s life and each with an equally particular and wonderful personality to match. The love and respect that they show to every one of their animals is apparent in the happiness and affection their animals are eager to share with anyone that visits the homestead.

The best part of this new chapter in their journey is the ability to share this experience with their family, which has proven to be one of the greatest gifts. Being able to witness their grandkids interacting with the animals and experiencing firsthand the cycle of life and where their food comes from has given meaning to all their hard work. 

Even while working full time and managing their farm, the Morgans are able to find peace and tranquility within the work that helps bring a serenity to their every day and a meaning to their goals.  Within the homestead, they have the infrastructure to do quite a bit more and they are already thinking about which animals, crops, and homemaking skills they are wanting to tackle and add to their space next. 

Shana says “We love waking up in the morning having our coffee, while looking out over the eastern fields and watching the sunrise. Getting to look down at our chicken coop and our cows and our goats and know that we have created every part of it gives us immense joy. We see it as a real gift that we get to live here and have the ability to grow our own food.” 

One of Shana’s favorite quotes is by Winston Churchill 

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.” 

It is clear that the Morgans are paving their own path and creating traditions to share with all generations of their family. Their journey is an example and labor of love that will grow to give others a story to believe in and aspire to.

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”