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Time-Tested Tenacity

Eight businessmen in Fort Worth share their stories of wisdom and perseverance.

In life and business, men often face challenges ranging from seemingly insurmountable financial obstacles to unexpected timeline setbacks. Through the hardships, they forge the necessary resilience for success, and remarkable stories of triumph emerge. In this feature, West Fort Worth delves into the stories of 8 Fort Worth men navigating the tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship, corporate boardrooms, and spirituality with unwavering determination and grit.

But the journey to success is rarely a solitary one. Along the way, these men have relied on the support of mentors, colleagues, and loved ones who have provided guidance and encouragement.

Through their stories, we delve into the universal truths that bind us all: the resilience of the human spirit, the power of perseverance, and the transformative potential of embracing life's challenges head-on. No matter what obstacles, humans can overcome, thrive, and emerge stronger on the other side.

Mark A Daniels, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly? 

March 18, 2010, was Match Day when fourth-year medical students learn where they will be training. As a native and lifelong Texan up to that point, finding out that I would be spending the next six years in upstate New York for my plastic surgery training was a surprise! I first developed an interest in plastic surgery while on a mission trip to Guatemala in 2005. This year, I was able to return as a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. It was a blessing to come full circle!

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today? 

The years away from Texas gave me a lot of appreciation for the beauty of upstate New York. It was not an area I would have ever imagined living in for any other reason, but it was great. More importantly, God placed me there, and I met and worked with many wonderful people and mentors to get me where I am today. After New York, I had the opportunity to do an aesthetic fellowship in Charlotte, NC. That was another fantastic experience and, luckily for me, where I met my wife. I am so grateful when I think about everything that has happened since opening the envelope in March 2010. 

Skyler Brooks, Owner, The Blök Climbing Co.

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly?

After graduating college with an engineering degree, I began pursuing careers in the field, getting an offer but ultimately not pursuing the position. I realized that my 12+ school years had led me to the precipice of a career without passion. My wife had secured a teaching position and began her career in our hometown, so with limited options for engineering careers in the new area, I searched for other options to make ends meet. I was trying to discover what I truly wanted to pursue in life. As years passed, I found little reward in the jobs I held. I was seeking new hobbies for a sense of self-purpose. A climbing gym had opened in my hometown, so I decided to try it one day and immediately immersed myself in that world. I opened my own gym in Fort Worth five years later.

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today?

When I opened a climbing gym, it was a clear shift from a safe, predictable, planned-out path to one that truly resonates with my passion. I often consider how different my wife and my lives would be had I begun that career in engineering. I would be 11 years deep in a respected field. And 11 years at a desk. 

Today, my passion drives me. I center all aspects of my life around my purpose, and I have endless opportunities to foster meaningful experiences every day. 

The hardest part of the journey was accepting the massive time and financial commitment I invested in becoming an engineer, only to change directions. I had to embrace my personal growth, step out of my comfort zone, and dive into something that didn’t feel like work because I loved it so much. It taught me to measure success by the joy you find in your daily activities and the difference you make in the lives of others. This experience has been transformational and reaffirmed to me that following your passion can lead to an unimaginable life that is deeply fulfilling. 

Payton Keller, DDS, Owner, Cowtown Dental

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly? 

My acceptance into dental school marked the beginning of a journey filled with challenges, growth, and fulfillment. It shifted my trajectory by guiding me towards a profession where I could tangibly impact lives through oral health. Dentistry led to new opportunities for learning, networking, and personal development. Some of the hardest and most valuable lessons I have learned are from my four years in dental school. From that moment onward, I was on a path that shaped not only my career, but also my identity and aspirations for the future.

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today?

The most important lesson I learned in dental school is that while natural talent can offer a head start, hard work is what is going to get you where you want to go in life. Hard work is the foundation for lasting success, and taught me grit, determination, and perseverance. My work ethic allows me to overcome obstacles, refine my skills, and achieve my goals. Unlike talent, which is often inherent and static, hard work is a skill that can be cultivated and honed over time. The most successful individuals I have met have the drive to become something bigger than themselves. If I hadn’t had the opportunity to attend dental school, I don’t know that I would have learned this lesson as well as I did. The importance of hard work and dedication to what you do is something that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.  

Gregory George, Owner, Fort Worth Heating and Air

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly? 

I was a warehouse manager in my early twenties when my former wife and I learned we were having a baby. I knew I needed to make a drastic career change if I was going to be able to support our growing family. I called a friend who worked for Tom Thumb repairing their freezers and such, figuring he could help me into the refrigeration industry. I worked for Tom Thumb during the day while attending an HVAC technical school at night. 

Shortly after I completed my coursework, I got a job performing HVAC and facilities maintenance at a high-end department store in Dallas. After eighteen months in that position and realizing there would not be upward mobility within the company, I decided to pursue an HVAC career with a service company. I started my own HVAC service company at the beginning of 2013 and haven't looked back. I have proudly worked in the HVAC field for almost 40 years now. 

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today? 

My decision to enter the HVAC industry many years ago has considerably impacted my life. Working on machines is my passion and gift. I honestly have no idea where I would be today if I had not done so. Over the last forty years, I have witnessed many procedural and equipment-type changes that showed me how important it is to teach young trainees the proper procedures to maintain and diagnose HVAC equipment. I've seen first-hand in many graduates I've hired that trade schools offer limited fieldwork opportunities. My goal in training is to provide the most up-to-date technical information, moral and ethical awareness, and common-sense knowledge, which in turn creates confident employees and happy customers.

Will Chaudhry, Owner, Caring Senior Services of Fort Worth

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly? 

A moment that truly shifted the course of my life was when I was 6-year-old. I went to a gathering with my father and helped a man in his seventies walk upstairs. He was so happy with me that he took me by the hand and asked me who my father was. I got scared because I thought I had done something wrong. But when we got to my father, he told everyone what I did for him. I loved that someone I helped was so thankful. From that day, it has been my goal to help people. Whenever a person tells me their worries, in the back of my mind, I am thinking about how I can help them. It's incredible how a single decision can have such a significant impact on one's life.

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today?

As I look back at how that one decision changed my life for the better, it's become second nature for me to help people. When my wife worked for Caring Senior Service in San Antonio, she showed me how amazing the company is, and we made the decision to open the Fort Worth location, helping seniors at their homes or other residence. As I look back and realize how amazing it is to help seniors, I wish I should have started earlier.

Chris Keel, Owner, Put a Cork in It Wine

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly? 

My life changed in college when the wine bug bit me one night. I was working at the University Club in Wichita Falls when I learned I had a good palate for tasting wine. I had just started waiting tables when a member had to leave early and left a full bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. After the shift ended, a manager and I sat down to "taste" the wine. At this point in my life, I had never tried wine besides the occasional glass of white Zinfandel or terrible Chardonnay that my grandmother had in her refrigerator. We tasted the wine, and the manager asked what I thought. I randomly started naming flavors that I tasted. He thought I had read the back label or saw a review on the wine, but I didn't even know what Wine Spectator was. The following week, I started tasting wines with the members to select labels for the club. It was the right place and the right time. 

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today?

From the moment of the tasting, I knew I wanted to work in the wine industry. After college, I worked a few outside sales jobs but could never get my foot firmly in the wine industry door. Finally, I got enough courage and money for Deedra, my wife, and I to open Put a Cork in it in January 2006. 

Our little wine store has survived a lot over the years, and we've overcome things they don't teach you in business school, like two recessions, someone driving through the front of the store, and a worldwide pandemic. 

I have tasted some high-quality wines and met some of the most hospitable people from all over the world.

Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if that member hadn't gotten that call at dinner and left that bottle for me to discover. Saluti!

Nadeem Khan, MD, The Stem Cell Center of Texas

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly? 

Medicine has been a passion of mine all my life, stemming from my desire to make a difference in other's lives. My passion grew after meeting my wife Melissa, my rock, greatest supporter, and confidante. Our bond is a testament to the power of love and partnership. 

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today?

The field of medicine has profoundly impacted every angle and aspect of my life. It has shaped my values, beliefs, and priorities. 

I am endlessly fortunate to have Melissa as my partner in life and the office, helping others, including me. The connections with our patients and clients have enriched my life. The life we have built is a constant reminder of the power of human connection and the significance of human interaction in the field of medicine, taking it to new heights. 

Nick Pavle, Owner, Eclipse Solar

When is a time/moment when the trajectory of your life shifted significantly?  

The day I established a relationship with Jesus Christ was a pivotal moment for me. It was a moment that brought purpose and clarity to my life. Growing up outside the church, I navigated life without the guiding light that now directs me. Reflecting on my past without Jesus, I embrace it as an essential element that shaped me into the person I am today. I firmly believe that adversity and challenges, often labeled as trauma or negative experiences, are catalysts for growth and resilience. Through my unwavering faith, I recognize that God intricately weaves a silver lining into every circumstance, urging us to seek meaning and wisdom amid trials. My relationship with God has become my anchor, providing solace and strength during life's unpredictable ebbs and flows. I have learned to trust in the unwavering presence of God, who never falters, offering love, guidance, and unwavering support. 

Looking back, how has that impacted where you are today?

Since the day I welcomed the Lord into my life, His presence has become the cornerstone upon which I build my future. The lessons of patience and forgiveness instilled in me by my faith have an immeasurable impact on my success in business. As someone dedicated to enhancing homes and alleviating the stress that often accompanies such endeavors, my faith serves as a moral compass, guiding me to treat and care for others within the business realm. I have discovered that success in any venture hinges on patience, empathy, and a commitment to providing informative guidance. Without my faith, I would feel adrift in a world fraught with uncertainty, and my sense of purpose would remain unfulfilled. Embracing the teachings of love and compassion that I find in the Bible, I strive to align my actions with the values that resonate with God's approval, fostering a sense of harmony and fulfillment in my personal and professional endeavors. In the uncertainty of life, faith has woven a thread of hope and resilience inside me, infusing each day with purpose and meaning. As I continue on this journey guided by the light of my faith, God reminds me that He is by my side. With Him, I can treat every obstacle as an opportunity for growth and transformation.