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Photo Credit: Meda Simpson Photography

Featured Article


Coaches Berkley And Nathan Elliott

Article by Jennifer Haveman

Photography by Courtesy of the Elliotts

Originally published in Celina Lifestyle

In honor of our February theme - Love Local - we catch up with Celina High School's newlywed coaches.  Berkley and Nathan Elliott describe their meeting, wedding and their love for not only each other but also Celina.

How did the two of you meet?

Berkley: I was working at Sweetwater High School for my first job and knew that I wanted to find a school to coach at, near the DFW area. I was searching the TGCA job board and was applying everywhere. That was until I had this feeling that I needed to refresh my page and go back to the page I had just moved from. After I did that, a Celina High School girls coaching job popped up on that page. It was not there before. So of course, knowing the reputation Celina has, I instantly sent in my application. Within a couple of days I was interviewing with Coach Ginger Murray, Kyle Sheridan and Coach Bill Elliott who I did not know would later become my father-in- law. During that interview, Bill may or may not have mentioned Nathan’s name to me and described what he was like. He was just being a good wingman at the end of the interview. So of course, in typical 23 year old fashion I looked him up on instagram, and he did the same. We ended up going on a date the first week that I lived here and the rest is history. 

Nathan: I first heard about Berkley after she had an interview with [my father] Bill. He was trying to be the ultimate wingman (guess I needed a lot of help). I looked her up on social media as well of course.  I texted her on the day she was moving in and asked her if she needed any help, and I helped her put her couch together. We went out to eat after that and I knew from that day that she was the one. 

Tell us about the wedding.

The wedding was everything that we could have dreamed of. The day was so peaceful, and we were surrounded by everyone who loves us and celebrates us so well. We got married on July 14, 2023 in Aubrey, TX. It was a hot summer day of course, but it was still perfect. Everyone braved the heat to come witness our marriage and for that we are so grateful. We are very thankful that we have photos and our wedding video that we get to look back on because the day flew by so fast. We are so blessed by all the love and support we have gotten as we start our life together. 

What’s the best part of both working for Celina ISD?

Berkley: To me, the best part is how it doesn’t feel like a job. It is so much fun getting to randomly see my husband in the hallways, getting to do work things together and having the ability to understand each other’s work lives better. I genuinely can’t imagine not coaching at the same school with Nathan. Celina ISD embraces the family environment and I think that is so important in why Celina is so successful in all aspects. Everyone is treated like family here and that is a job worth holding onto whenever that happens. 

Nathan: Celina is very family-oriented, and it makes “work” a lot of fun. Coaching is a profession that takes a lot of time, but Berkley is right there in the same boat, and we get to steal time together while we are working. I couldn’t really imagine not working with her. 

Where do you see yourselves in ten years?

Ten years from now we will hopefully have a little football and softball player running around Celina. We both can’t imagine life without sports or the amazing athletes we get to be around, so we know coaching will still be in the picture for us. We see ourselves still bleeding orange and white in ten years competing to see who will get the most championship rings for our community between the two of us… (Berkley is up 1-0 thanks to her 2022 Cross Country Champs & Coach Krepps). 

What do you love the most about Celina?

Nathan: Celina will always have a special place in my heart because it’s where I grew up and the community is hands down the best in the country. Even after living in different states across the country, no place compares to Celina, TX. It has become even more special now because it’s where I met Berkley and where we have started our lives together.

Berkley: I was born and raised in Shallowater, a small town outside of Lubbock. Most people have no idea what Shallowater even is, but it is a huge part of me. I knew that I wanted to fly the coop from West Texas & find a small town up in the DFW area. Celina resembles my hometown in so many ways but I was drawn to the strong Christian community. From the moment I moved here, I have met some of the most incredible people. Celina is probably one of the most beautiful towns I’ve ever seen, and I knew from the moment I drove down Preston Road and saw the cattle, the trees, the town square, the water tower, that I was meant to be here. Shallowater will always be home to me, but Celina is where my favorite chapters of my life started. 


"We see ourselves still bleeding orange and white in ten years competing to see who will get the most championship rings for our community between the two of us."

"Celina is probably one of the most beautiful towns I’ve ever seen, and I knew from the moment I drove down Preston Road and saw the cattle, the trees, the town square, the water tower, that I was meant to be here."

  • Photo Credit: Meda Simpson Photography
  • Photo Credit: Mandy Harvey
  • Photo Credit: Mandy Harvey
  • Photo Credit: Lisa Sailor