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Chick Peas

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The Power of Protein

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Meagan Tynes Talks New Year Health Goals

Protein is essential in supporting muscle health, promoting healthy aging, and keeping you full. Aiming for at least 30 grams per meal will have you on track to build new muscle and help lose weight. Fuel up with these foods that pack the protein!

1) Edamame is perhaps the most unassuming protein-packed snack. With 18 grams per cup, you won’t regret sprinkling some onto your salad, blending it into a dip, or eating it by itself. 

2) Cottage cheese contains 14 grams of protein in half a cup, and it’s more versatile than you think. Whisk into scrambled eggs, blend into pasta sauce, or spread onto avocado toast for a protein boost.

3) With 20 grams per cup, Greek yogurt is a great go-to for protein. Build a delicious yogurt bowl, drop a dollop in your smoothie, or substitute for sour cream in dips.

4) Another sneaky protein is the chickpea, with 11 grams per cup. Blend this legume to make hummus, or swap your regular pasta for chickpea pasta to boost the protein in any dish.

  • Chick Peas
  • Edemame
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese