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The Soul of Towaco's Style

Charlotte's Web

At its essence, the story of Charlotte’s Web is about friendship, change, and perseverance.

Coincidentally enough, the book is also about all of these things.

This particular Charlotte’s Web is a boutique in Towaco, owned by a remarkable woman named Lisa Stathis. This is a place for more than just shopping for Lisa. It’s a confidence shop. 

“I wanted to add to the town’s soul,” explains Lisa. “There was a vibe that was missing and we found that this was really what people around here wanted.”

“If I could complete my ultimate vision, this would be a room with a place for coffee, where you could read, you could write, you could really get away, and of course shop. A real community place.”

And that’s what the North Star of this boutique is — the people. It’s not about what they sell there, but what it can do for them.

There are magical stories that happen here. Like the one woman who came in, overwhelmed and stressed, because she was going to meet her long lost twin sister for the first time. It turns out that they’d been separated for some covert sociological experiment years before, splitting the girls up to study the result of their disparate upbringings. One would be placed in a well-to-do home out West, while this girl would be raised here in far more modest circumstances. 

“She needed an outfit. But more importantly, she needed confidence. She was scared, she was nervous. This was life-changing for her. I was thrilled that we could help her face that, and shine.”

People come in who have had massive weight loss successes. “They need that confidence, that special attention,” Lisa’s right-hand Aimee points out. “They’re looking for that special attention. ‘Does this really look OK on me?’ ‘Am I OK to wear this yet?’, they’re looking for our honest opinion. We also had people who had gained weight during Covid, and they wanted things that would still make them feel confident. So it goes both ways.”

Women come in who have had cancer treatments and their bodies have changed. Some who have suffered unspeakable loss and need to restore themselves. They come here for Lisa. They come here for Aimee. They come here because this is where they will feel better after they’ve been here.

Lisa herself underwent a massive change to bring this store to life. She’d left behind a successful law career, finding her happiness there dwindling. It was time to start something new. But that calling to help people better themselves remained. She traded legal advice for retail therapy, and she was reborn. 

“I have a thing about kindness,” Lisa shares. “That kind word or kind gesture to make someone feel so much better about themselves, it just does so much.” This energy comes off of her like a wave. It’s authentic.

Because of this, the boutique is committed to helping give back to the community. They organize fundraisers. They donate proceeds from the store to local people and families who need it most, whether it’s for mental health, people facing cancer, suicide prevention — things that touch real people’s lives. Charlotte’s Web’s influence doesn’t end at their door. 

While this store is trend-forward and modern, it’s not as simple as that. It’s not just about selling the clothes. It’s really humanity, with a side of fashion. People come in to update their style, but they leave with a new sense of themselves. And a new friend.

You can find Charlotte’s Web in the Towaco Crossing shopping plaza, or online at

Pull quote: “People want to be seen. They want to be heard.”