How has the program evolved over the years? How has There With Care had to adapt to new circumstances/different types of people to serve?
Since 2005, There With Care has been helping families in Colorado. The organization has served nearly 4,000 families facing life-threatening illnesses. By listening to each family and tailoring support to meet their individual and unique situation, There With Care has grown to provide a broad range of services, meeting families where they are during this critical time. As each family is referred by a social worker, there is an opportunity to learn from the hospitals where the greatest needs are and where to best focus resources in order to make the most meaningful impact.
What are the most challenging parts of the holiday season for There With Care?
The holidays can be a busy time, but also a particularly stressful one for a family facing the critical illness of their child. When a child is diagnosed, one parent is often forced to quit their job. This puts a tremendous financial strain on a family, and day-to-day obligations become overwhelming. For these families, preparing for the holidays is one more thing adding to their stresses. There With Care steps in to reduce the added stresses, giving families some normalcy and a chance for them to focus on their kids. During the holidays, the There With Care Holiday Program provides support to families, while the organization balances the ongoing services that hold a family together including grocery deliveries, transportation assistance, and more.
How have you seen There With Care's impact grow over the years?
There With Care currently serves an average of 175 families each day in Colorado. In the last five years, that number has more than doubled and the needs continue to grow. With the trust of the hospitals we support, all of the services are directed to the families in the greatest need.
How has your understanding of There With Care's work changed over time?
Since beginning There With Care in 2005, the organization has evolved through community engagement. Whether it’s the gift of volunteered time and/or in-kind or discounted services, all the individuals and businesses who participate in the mission bring something that is helpful in supporting a family in a medical crisis. Throughout the nearly 15 years since inception, There With Care has brought people together and helped to build a community around each family when they need it most.
What's the best way for readers to support There With Care?
There are many ways to help a family in crisis, especially during the holidays. People can sign up at to participate in the Holiday Program. While the Holiday Program delivers traditional holiday gifts and meals, people can also support the mission through making a donation to support There With Care continuing to deliver meaningful services like food, transportation, patient and sibling support, and more throughout the holiday season.