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Social Running Club

These runners from all walks of life have been hitting the trails together for a decade. 

Jeanette and Brian Frank have shared a love of running for as long as they can remember. But, it was in 2013 that their passion for the sport became something more. While looking for a group of other runners to join while training for a marathon, Jeannette tried a few different clubs but couldn’t connect with anyone. “I wasn’t the first; I wasn’t the slowest or the fastest. I was in the middle of the pack. I wanted to network and chat with other runners to help me better prepare for my race,” she says. 

Thus, the Social Running Club of Fort Worth was born. It started with a simple post on social media—Jeannette announcing her plans to hit the trail and inviting others to join her. What began as three other runners quickly turned into ten other runners, and when the number hit 30, Frank realized she might have something. A decade after that first group run, the club has 100+ members. They meet at the trailhead at Clearfork, part of the Trinity Trails pathway along the Trinity River, consistently on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm, where most people run four miles out and back, and on Sundays, which focuses on distance training, completing runs of six miles and over.

When asked about the members of the Social Running Club, Jeanette explains it’s a group for everyone: those starting as beginning runners to those training for marathons. “It’s a very diverse crowd. It’s all about moving our bodies. We don’t use mile markers or water stops; we just run together. That looks different for everyone—some of us are working towards a seven-minute pace, and others come out and walk the trail. We want everyone to be running their own race. It’s a positive culture, and we support each other, whatever our fitness goals look like.” Some members bring their young kids in strollers or older kids who ride their bikes on the trail as their parents run. 

There’s a rotation in who shows up and when. In the winter, when it’s dark by 6:30 pm, Jeanette says people still come to run, illuminated by their light-up vests, a fun sight on the trail. When the temperatures hit the triple digits in the summer months, there’s still high attendance. When asked why a club appeals to runners, Frank says, “I think it’s the connection. It’s so fun to be with other people. It helps us stay committed to our own health and fitness goals.” 

As with most successful things, the Social Running Club has expanded into other networking events for members. Apart from the consistent twice-weekly runs, the club now partners with local restaurants like Magnolia Wine Bar and Funky Picnic for pop-up “Run and Brunch” events six times a year. It’s a group effort, as club members volunteer at each event and partner with local retailers. They also train as a group for 5K and 10Ks and marathons. Jeanette says they recently sent a group to the Lululemon 10K in Phoenix, and 40 members ran in last year’s local Cowtown Marathon. 

When asked how people who want to start their running journey should start, Frank offers this advice, “First, get connected and find a running club near you. What’s contributed to our club’s growth and success is social accountability. Connections help you stay dedicated to your own hopes and goals. Second, look at your schedule and decide on three days to get outside and move your body. I think the biggest challenge can be just showing up. Third, trust the process. Your body might hurt, but keep with it and stay consistent.” 

The Franks are proud of the community they’ve built over the years and love raising their three young children in the Fort Worth running community. If you want more details about the Social Running Club, check out their website at or follow them on Instagram: @socialrunningclub. That’s where you’ll find updates about meet-ups, training schedules, Run and Brunch, and more. And if you just want to get out there and join the next run? You know exactly where to find them.