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Productive Transformations

Expert tips on how to transform your home office into a productive workspace

The home office has enjoyed an elevated status in the last couple of years. Necessity during the pandemic has forced us to be creative when working and learning remotely. Here are some tips to help from Melody Norris with Sandia Staging and Design to update your home office space.

1. Consider the space. Do you have an entire room to set aside as your office? This is ideal, especially if you share your home with others who will be there during your work hours. If you don't have a dedicated office space, find an area you can shut off from the flow of noise and distraction. 

2. Set up the space for your work or school needs first. Next, add furnishings and decor to bring in color and texture. This will help create a beautiful space you can enjoy.

3.Design your work area to ensure the following is ergonomically correct: Pay attention to the height of your workspace. Be sure that you have a comfortable chair. Adjust the height of your seat and your arm and hand positions while you work. Place your computer monitor at the ideal height.

3. Lighting is a factor that is often overlooked in a home office. If you have natural light in your room, be sure to make the best use of it! Natural light lifts our mood! A bright window in the wrong location relative to your computer can cause a problem during those important virtual meetings.

4. Give your space personality and beauty. Create a conversation area with an area rug and comfortable chairs. Pull a color palette out of a favorite piece of art in the room and use those colors throughout the room in throw pillows, on furniture, or décor pieces. Create a space you love and the time you spend working there will be a joy! Visit 

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