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Transforming Smiles with Dr. Offutt

Nurturing Healthy Smiles and Bright Futures with Compassion

Article by Samantha Bowers

Photography by Christine Scott of Lomonico Photography

Originally published in NBTX City Lifestyle

Many of us delight in the charm of a small town; it’s what we cherish about this place we call home. We imagine knowing our doctors by name and feeling like they’re an extension of our family. Visiting New Braunfels Pediatric Dental Associates transports you to a time when that was the norm. It’s not just the vintage-inspired western décor adorning the walls, each piece with its own story. You can even relax in the chair where Dr. Offutt used to do his homework. It’s about knowing the staff and dentist for as many years as your children; if you’re lucky, you’ve known many of them since you were a kid, too. Dr. Offutt has been a staple of New Braunfels since the early 80s, enjoying the connections he’s built with so many of us over the years.

Dr. Offutt's journey in dentistry took a delightful turn when he discovered his true calling—working with children. His early experiences were filled with joy, as he fondly recalls, 'It was actually fun when I had a child patient...adults were okay, but taking care of kids was actually fun.' This profound joy led him to specialize in pediatric dental training, a decision that has left a lasting impact on countless lives in our community.

Dr. Offutt's decision to specialize in pediatric dentistry was the best choice. He explains, 'Going into our office every day knowing how much we help children grow up with healthy teeth and pretty smiles makes every day rewarding. Our young patients have no idea the dramatic impact healthy teeth and an attractive smile will have on their lives.' He emphasizes that good dental care in early childhood leads to better self-image, self-esteem, and higher self-confidence. 'Many children who receive excellent dental care early on don't realize its impact on their overall well-being later in life. And that's okay because we know the long-term benefits. We change lives even if the child doesn't realize it.'

Earlier in his career, Dr. Offutt was elected by his fellow pediatric dentists from across Texas to be the President of the Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He continues to contribute to the training of future pediatric dental specialists as a Professor in the Department of Developmental Dentistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.

A significant turning point in Dr. Offutt's career came in 2009 when he became a laser-trained and certified dentist. However, attending a 2016 Denver conference organized by the International Affiliation of Tongue-Tie Professionals opened his eyes to the potential of laser technology in treating tissue restrictions in the mouth, such as tongue-ties and lip-ties. He came away from the conference determined to make caring for newborns struggling to nurse a centerpiece of his expertise and practice.

"Ten years ago, there was no one between Austin and San Antonio providing laser treatment of tongue and lip-ties in newborns," Dr. Offutt recalls. These babies struggle with latching, are not gaining weight, are not sleeping for significant lengths of time, and often exhibit colic due to nursing struggles. Nursing mothers also suffer from painful latching, mastitis, or postpartum depression because they feel inadequate when the problem lies with the baby’s oral tissue restrictions. Some Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) doctors performed these procedures with scissors or a scalpel, but these older techniques were painful and less precise.

Dr. Offutt and his team filled this void, caring for over 3,000 newborns over the last decade. Symptoms of tongue-tie and lip-tie in infants include pain or discomfort while nursing, poor latch, reflux, gassiness, poor weight gain, prolonged feedings, inability to hold a pacifier, speech problems, sleep apnea, and headaches. "We consider babies that cannot nurse properly to need urgent care. We frequently see newborns immediately after they are released from the hospital and can almost always evaluate and treat the baby within one or two days after the initial referral and contact with our office."

Their commitment to state-of-the-art care and understanding of good dental practices have profoundly impacted countless children and their families. Remarkably, half of Dr. Offutt's staff have been with him for over 20 years, showcasing dedication and continuity of care. Dr. Offutt's unwavering dedication and innovative approach to treating oral tissue restrictions have made him a leader. His work ensures that children grow up with healthy teeth and beautiful smiles, laying the foundation for a lifetime of confidence and well-being. His commitment and passion make him a beacon of trust in pediatric dentistry.

Find Dr. Offutt at or visit them at 1523 East Common Street.

Imagine knowing your doctor by name and feeling like they’re an extension of your family.