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Juicy Smoothie and Beet Salad Recipe for the hot and dry New Mexico summers.

Article by Magnolia Zuniga, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist

Photography by Magnolia Zuniga

Originally published in Albuquerque City Lifestyle

Summertime Juicy Smoothie

Smoothies are all the rage but not all healthcare practitioners consider them the healthiest option. Let’s take a closer look.

While smoothies boast good fiber content and healthy fats, what is not considered is the effect it has on digestion and elimination. According to Ayurveda, the medical system of India, smoothies tend to weaken digestion. In the short term, smoothies are delicious and refreshing.

In the long term, our digestion will be thrown off balance and digestive problems may occur. In addition, protein powders, minerals, and vitamins added to the smoothie will create an additional layer of potential complication for digestion. Not all smoothies are ideal for promoting balanced digestion and elimination.

All that said, we’ve uncovered a delicious and digestive balancing smoothie that will be the best drink for the hot and dry New Mexico summers. Here is a recipe that will rehydrate you, keep digestion balanced, and soothe your heart and soul.

● 1 red apple

● 1 green apple

● 1 pear

● 2-3 carrot sticks

● 1 orange

● 1 lime

● 3-5 celery sticks

● a good handful of fresh cilantro leaves

● 2-3 chunks of fresh ginger (thumb-size), peeled and minced

This recipe yields 25-30 fluid ounces. It pacifies heat and balances dryness through the sweet fruits. The lime and ginger keep you from feeling heavy and groggy after eating, while celery helps to further alkalize and balance the sweetness of the blend. If you are sensitive to sugar, or avoiding sugar in general, please omit the carrots. The cilantro rehydrates, soothes, and even detoxes.

It is a perfect summer juice smoothie.

Raw Beet Salad
● 1 medium raw beet
● juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
● 1/4-1 tsp fresh grated ginger root
● 1 tsp dijon mustard (optional)
● salt & pepper to taste (optional)
Peel and grate the beet. Combine all ingredients (except salt and pepper) in
mixing bowl. Taste. Add salt and pepper as desired.

Beets are a sweet root vegetable which help to decongest the liver by thinning the bile. This in
turn improves digestion and enhances the body’s natural ability to detoxify. Beets may also help in lowering blood sugar levels. Although fresh is always best, you may make larger batches and store in a glass container in the fridge to be served a few days in a row.

For more Ayurvedic dietary recommendations go to