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Uncle Pete's Holiday Whiskey Sour

Holiday Happiness...In A Glass

Ok, so I am tempting fate here, giving up the family "secret" elixir mastered long ago by my uncle Pete (boy I miss him). I may very well have a whole line of cousins hunting for me after they find out I shared this all are worth it!

Trust me, incorporate this into your holiday celebrations and really is a wonderful life!

Combine in a blender the following:

(2) 8-ounce glasses of orange juice

1/4 glass of Mi-Lem (sweetened lemon mix) or a suitable replacement if you can't find it- I ordered cases of it online a while ago.

1 glass of whiskey (rye, not scotch)

1 tablespoon sugar

4-5 ice cubes

Blend then pour into your favorite old-fashioned bar glass and top with a maraschino cherry (I usually put 2-3 in mine).