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Understanding the Risks of Driving on U.S. Route 50 in Cincinnati and Loveland

What Factors Make Roads More Hazardous?

Article by Emily Ames

Photography by Emily Ames

One of the most important skills you can develop as a licensed motorist is to be aware of your surroundings and use extra caution when road conditions are hazardous. While even the safest roads can become hazardous during inclement weather, certain roads are particularly hazardous during heavy traffic or inclement weather.

Route 50 in Cincinnati and Loveland is not necessarily considered an unsafe road, but conditions can become hazardous if motorists do not practice defensive driving and use extra caution during inclement weather. If you or a loved one is injured in a car accident on Route 50 in Cincinnati or Loveland, do not hesitate to contact an experienced car accident lawyer at your earliest convenience.

What Factors Make Roads More Hazardous?

Whether you are driving on a busy highway like U.S. Route 50 or a winding county road, there are factors that can make driving conditions hazardous and increase the risk of a serious car accident. It is important that motorists are aware of the potential hazards so they can take the necessary steps to avoid a collision. The following are examples of hazards that can make driving conditions dangerous:

  • Sharp Turns: If a road or highway has sharp curves, motorists could lose control of their vehicle if they are driving too fast when they approach the curve in the road. Inclement weather conditions can make sharp curves particularly hazardous, and increase the risk of dangerous spin-outs. Newly-licensed, inexperienced drivers are not always able to accurately gauge the correct speed when approaching a sharp curve in the road.

  • Missing or Unclear Traffic Signs: When traffic signs are missing or blocked by overgrown trees or other foliage, drivers may not know that they are supposed to stop, or that oncoming traffic has the right of way. As a result, they may continue through an intersection without slowing down, which can result in a very serious accident if another vehicle drives through the intersection at the same time.

  • Uncleared Ice and Snow: Anytime there is ice or snow covering the roads, a vehicle’s tires can lose traction, causing the driver to possibly lose control of the car and cause an accident. Ohio can get a significant amount of snow and ice in the winter, which can cause roadways like Route 50 to become hazardous if the ice and snow are not cleared away as soon as possible.

  • Potholes: Oftentimes, motorists will try to avoid hitting a pothole by swerving out of the way. This can cause a car accident if there is another vehicle in the adjacent lane. If a motorist hits a large pothole, it can cause damage to the vehicle, including flat tires, and damage to the suspension and wheel alignment, to name a few.

  • Heavy Traffic at High Speeds: Anytime motorists are driving too fast, there is an increased risk of a serious car accident. When traffic is heavy, and the road conditions are not ideal, there is an even greater risk of an accident.

How Can I Avoid a Car Accident on a Dangerous Highway?

There are a number of proactive steps you can take to stay safe while driving on hazardous roadways and prevent a serious accident, including the following:

  • Drive defensively. All drivers should practice defensive driving on a regular basis, particularly when driving on a busy highway like Route 50 during heavy traffic. Defensive driving involves being aware of other drivers and potential hazards, and reacting is a way to avoid a serious accident.

  • Avoid distractions. Talking or texting on the phone, interacting with other passengers in the vehicle, and adjusting the radio station are all examples of distracted driving behaviors that should be avoided when driving.

  • Do not drink and drive. Drugs and alcohol can cause a range of impairments that can dramatically increase the risk of a car accident on a busy, dangerous highway, including reduced coordination, slower reaction times, and impaired judgment.

  • Keep your vehicle in good working condition. Make sure that your brakes, tires, lights, engine, and other key components of your vehicle are working properly, and that any necessary repairs or replacements of parts are taken care of as soon as possible. This will reduce the risk of an accident on roads like Route 50.

  • Reduce your speed. Driving too fast is one of the most common causes of car accidents, and is particularly dangerous on busy highways where a serious accident can turn into a multi-vehicle collision.

  • Avoid driving during peak traffic hours. The more cars there are on the road, the more likely it is that you could be involved in a car accident. If possible, avoid driving during the most busy times of the day, which are generally during the morning and evening rush hour.

  • Check the weather report. If the forecast calls for snow, ice, freezing rain, or any other inclement weather that can affect driving conditions, stay off the roads if possible. If you must drive, use extreme caution, reduce your speed, and increase your following distance from the vehicle in front of you.

Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyers at Wolterman Law Office Seek Compensation for Victims of Car Accidents

If you or someone you know was seriously injured in a car accident on Route 50 in Cincinnati or Loveland, it is highly recommended that you contact the Cincinnati car accident lawyers at Wolterman Law Office as soon as possible. Call us at 513-790-4207 or contact us online for a free consultation. Our office is located in Loveland, Ohio, where we serve clients in Hamilton County, Fairfield, Norwood, and Forest Park.

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