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Personal Interior Design

With Courtney Petrin of Savannah’s Home and Design

Courtney Petrin and her husband, Carlin, launched Savannah’s Home and Design after stepping out on faith, selling their home in Massachusetts, and investing their nest egg into their first home renovation project here in Florida. They did all this while Courtney was pregnant with their daughter, Savannah, after whom their business is named. The brave move paid off and the Petrins have grown from flipping their first home into a full renovation and design firm.

Drawing on her education and experience in the field of clinical psychology, Courtney believes in harmoniously combining family, home, and business, a philosophy that shines through as she and her husband work with clients to create unique, personalized spaces.

“My background gives me a completely different perspective as far as creating a home experience,” shared Courtney. “I believe it helps in terms of personalizing our projects by getting to know our clients and having a relationship with them. People are eclectic and complex, which makes every project unique.  Because I delve into getting to know their personality, their likes their dislikes, and building trust with them, I'm able to infuse my clients’ personality, cultures, and how they live into their homes. As a result, no project can really ever be cookie cutter or the same.”

Courtney thrives on the collaborative and creative process. “I love design and how it can be used in transforming people's lives, whether it is someone’s seventh move or a second home that they’ve dreamed all their lives about having one day,” she said. “Those are the projects I love because I get to personalize it in such a magical way.”

Part of the process with Savannah’s Design and Home means that after clients have agreed to a design plan, they allow Carlin and Courtney to work their magic while homeowners stay off-site until the work is completed. “Folks often get nervous during a renovation project because they don't understand what they're seeing when construction is in progress,” she explained. “I always tell people it's like tasting a cake before it's baked, it doesn’t look or taste right because it's not finished. It’s the same in renovation.” Having homeowners step back from the day-to-day construction tends to make the process much less stressful for them. It allows the project to evolve organically and then they return when the mid-construction mess is finished and the final details are complete.

Although the process requires a level of trust from the homeowner, it creates a more fun experience and builds anticipation for Courtney’s favorite part, reveal day! “I love seeing people come in and be so excited about their house, truly seeing it for the first time, and realizing this is now part of their lives. It’s like the cherry on a sundae for me.”

For more information and to schedule a consultation with Courtney, visit or email Also follow Savannah’s Home and Design on Facebook and Instagram for design inspiration and to view completed projects.