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United Acts Of Kindness Day

Pledges For Actively Showing Interest And Empathy Encouraged On Feb. 17

Kindness is a way for people to connect and care for one another. Each year, on Feb. 17, millions of Americans come together to change the world, one random act of kindness at a time.

For the third year, First United Bank will be participating in United Acts of Kindness Day, helping permeate kindness throughout the community. First United employees are hoping to spread a light of hope in the world and spark a revolution of kindness. “We invite everyone to join us in our goal to complete 100,000 acts of kindness in one day,” says Denise Steller, vice president and community relationship manager at First United Bank.

Random Acts of Kindness Day was initiated in 1995 in Denver, Colorado, by a nonprofit organization called The Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation. The event spread to New Zealand nine years later, in 2004, and the observance of the holiday became more globally widespread.

Kindness is described as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. The meaning behind United Acts of Kindness Day is for people in the community to come together to spread joy, hope, and love to friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and even strangers. Kindness has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy and compassion, as well as to improve moods. 

There is zero cost to being kind and no act is too big or too small. The beauty of the act is to spread kindness to others. Ways to show kindness can be as simple as opening the door for a stranger, giving someone a hug, calling a friend and telling them to have a nice day, taking out the neighbor’s trash, or paying it forward in the coffee line. It takes only one small act of kindness to change a person's day for the better.

Morgan Freeman said it best, “How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.”

Make plans to participate in 2023’s United Acts of Kindness Day. Encourage others and share kindness on Feb. 17 using the  hashtag #unitedactsofkindness on social media.

20 Simple Ways To Show Kindness:
1. Smile at a stranger.
2. Send out a kind email or card.
3. Give someone a genuine compliment.
4. Help clean up the meal table, without being asked.
5. Encourage a friend or family member.
6. Let someone into your lane while driving.
7. Say “Thank You” and “Please."
8. Tell your family and friends “I love you."
9. Pick up litter.
10. Take someone flowers.
11. Make a donation to a local charity.
12. Bake someone cookies.
13. Visit a local nursing home.
14. Wash someone’s car.
15. Mow an elderly neighbor’s lawn.
16. Give a friendly wave.
17. Donate blood.
18. Thank your mailman or delivery person.
19. Give up your place in line.
20. Paint rocks with messages and leave around the neighborhood.

Established in 1900, First United has more than 85 banks, mortgage and insurance locations throughout Texas and Oklahoma. It is one of the largest, well-capitalized banking organizations in the Southwest, with assets of more than $11 billion, and it is among the largest privately held community banking organizations in the United States. First United provides a full range of financial services including banking, mortgage, insurance and investment products and services, and is dedicated to inspiring and empowering others to Spend Life Wisely.