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Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy

Expert Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech in the Twin Cities

Article by David Scheller

Photography by Emily John

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Childhood apraxia of speech affects one out of every 500 to 1,000 children in the U.S. It causes them to have difficulty speaking – not because their speech muscles are weak, but because their brain’s connections to those muscles aren’t fully developed.

Childhood apraxia will not go away on its own, but fortunately, it is treatable. Speech therapy is the most popular form of treatment for apraxia for precisely one reason: It is intensely effective.

But only when administered by a qualified, experienced speech therapist. That can present a challenge to parents of children with apraxia, as qualified, experienced speech therapists specializing in the condition are few and far between. 

If you live in or near the Twin Cities, take heart. Several of the Midwest’s best speech therapists are already nearby! Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy is an Eden Prairie speech therapy clinic serving children from all over Minnesota and Northwest Wisconsin, and it has been repeatedly accepted into prominent directories of apraxia specialists.

Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy: Listed by Child Apraxia Treatment 

Child Apraxia Treatment provides resources on evidence-based assessment and treatment of apraxia to parents and clinicians alike. Therapists listed in this exclusive directory must hold a Certificate of Clinical Competence for Speech-Language-Pathologists (CCC-SLP) from the American Speech Language Association (ASHA), and also have completed at least 17 hours of ASHA-approved continuing education in diagnosis and treatment of apraxia.

Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy: Listed by Apraxia Kids 

As the internet's most comprehensive and trusted speech-language pathologist directory, Apraxia Kids has high standards to uphold. Before acknowledging the Twin Cities speech therapy clinic, the registry required founder Julie Urban, M.S. CCC-SLP to pass a timed quiz and answer a series of questions about apraxia and her practice.

Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy: Expert Apraxia Treatment in the Twin Cities

“I’ve practiced speech therapy for over two decades, and have focused on treating apraxia during all that time,” said Julie. “Along with its five other speech-language pathologists, Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy has all the experience necessary to tailor the ideal course of treatment to any child’s unique apraxia challenges.

“Apraxia is just one of the many areas of communication we specialize in. We provide treatment for a wide range of fluency, phonological, speech sound, pragmatic language, and receptive-expressive language disorders. We also help children with dyslexia, executive functioning needs, and communication issues associated with autism spectrum disorders, and more.

“Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy has grown by leaps and bounds since our foundation in 2022. True to the newly added second half of our name, we now also offer occupational therapy for children exhibiting issues with self-regulation, cognitive development, sensory integration, gross and fine motor development, and much more. 

“If you have concerns about your little one's communication skills, then we’re here to help them reach their goals as quickly as they comfortably can – and have a fun, positive experience while they’re at it!”

Urban Speech & Occupational Therapy is located at 6409 City West Parkway, Suite 206 in Eden Prairie. Call (952) 500-8871 or email today to schedule your child’s initial consultation!

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