Life’s path often contains unexpected twists and turns as we discover what lights us up—such is the case with Ventura County Solar Owner Robert Lopez, a financial expert whose interest in solar power was generated by a chance occurrence.
“While working in finance I came across an article regarding a class action lawsuit between Southern California Edison and the state,” Lopez explains. “It sparked an interest in finding how I could help homeowners find a better way to consume, own and generate their own power.”
For the past eight years, drawing on his background as a photovoltaic expert, Lopez has enjoyed teaching others about the ins and outs of solar power—from the engineering in technology to the financial aspect, including the short- and long-term benefits of residential solar, “We want our customers to know that we are here to educate. Not so much to just simply get more homeowners to go solar.
“We believe in what we are doing, so much that if we know solar isn’t going to help them save money or tremendously benefit them, we will be the first ones to tell them not to do it,” says Lopez, who shares more about Ventura County Solar and extends a special offer to CVL readers.
Q. What services does Ventura County Solar offer?
A. Ventura County Solar - Energy Groupe offers a complete solar experience which includes, rooftop solar, ground mount solar, back up battery generators, portable solar generators and, most importantly, solar education.
Q. What do customers love about your services?
A. Our most common compliment is regarding our honesty and our transparency. Our clients value our knowledge and experience in the industry, so they feel extremely confident in their decision to move forward with their residential solar project.
Q. What is the first step in converting to solar power?
A. We always recommend starting with a free one-hour consultation during which we provide a full home energy audit to explain why solar will make sense to them. This step entails visiting the clients at their residence and auditing their yearly energy usage, answering any questions and educating the consumer as to how solar panels will save them money and increase their quality of life.
Q. Do you have any special offers you'd like to extend to our readers?
A. We are currently offering a free consultation, free energy usage audit and one portable solar power generator with a battery pod if they go solar with us!
To learn more about solar power and its benefits, contact Ventura County Solar at 805.990.6888 or visit