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Carrie Roeger

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A Salute To Our Veterans

Meet Woodstock's Inspirational Warriors

The idea of America and the freedom that it brings is not limited to a few of us; it belongs to all of us in every walk of life and background as Americans. It is our mantra, our shoreline and the lighthouse that brings us home when times of trouble and conflict arise in our country.

Our Veterans raised their right hands and took the noble oath to serve as so many have before them. To defend our country and our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In all instances, a Veteran sacrificed portions of their own freedoms and rights to ensure the survival of ours. 

We thank and honor all Cherokee Veterans, past and present.

Carrie Roeger 
    In 2015, Semper Fi Bar and Grille opened. It quickly became a local Veteran spot filled with priceless historical military memorabilia and a "rally point" for Veteran's causes. Semper Fi Bar and Grille sponsors charity events and hosts Veteran vendor events on-site. It's hard not to know about Semper Fi in the Veteran community with Carrie and Ralph "Top" Roeger serving in the USMC. Whether it's supporting Veterans or the massive truck that leads the 4th of July Parade every year, this dynamic duo has made a difference and impacted Cherokee County Veteran relations.
    Mrs. Carrie Roeger served in the USMC from 1988 to 1993. She achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant and, with her high ASVAB test scores, secured her spot as a Russian linguist. After serving in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, San Antonio, Texas and Norway, the SSgt decided to up the stakes and attend Ft. Moore, Georgia (Formerly Ft. Benning). She became part of the history on those walls at Semper Fi Bar and Grille, becoming the first woman in the USMC to receive jump wings. 
     This trailblazer's future plans involve franchising their business for Veterans in other areas. These plans will include a “pathway to ownership” for Veterans to receive financing, training and personal growth. The establishment will be a foundation to create scholarships and grants for Veteran business owners.

Kurt Lee Wheeler
   So many of us in Cherokee County know or have heard the name Kurt Wheeler. A talented singer, songwriter and performer here in Cherokee County. Even the Cherokee County song was written by Mr. Wheeler.
  At Over 130 plus shows solo and with the Lathemtown Poets Society, Mr. Wheeler pours his heart and soul into performing and serving the community through song. This includes multiple charity events supporting Veteran related causes. If you have ever heard him perform or tell stories as part of his show, you already know Cherokee is blessed to have Kurt as one of its sons.
    Mr. Wheeler is also a 6th-grade teacher at Creekland Middle School in Macedonia, Georgia. A "Singing Teacher" with multiple degrees, including a bachelor's degree in middle education, a bachelor's degree in professional aeronautics from Embry-Riddle and a doctorate of education from Nova University.
    Married to Janet Wheeler, a teacher and watercolor artist, and father to Maddie Wheeler Benton, a teacher and head cheer coach at Cherokee High School. Also, Mr. Wheeler has a son, Elias Wheeler, a multi-instrumentalist songwriter currently in Portland, Oregon. 
   Mr. Wheeler's roots may be here, continuing his service to the Cherokee community, but he had a higher calling early in life. This led him to serve in the USAF from 1984 to 89. Trained as an Avionics Senior Systems Specialist, he served with distinction. He was honored with Airman of the Quarter at both Seymour Johnson Air Base and again during his time at Osan Air Base, Korea. 

Timothy Young
      People often describe those who are generous and giving to others as someone who would "Give you the shirt off their back," for those who know Tim Young, that fits him perfectly. 
   CPL Tim Young served in the USMC from 1994-1999 as an Avionics Technician on CH-46 Helicopter. After his military service, he entered the Cyber Security Field and works as a pre-sales engineer. His true passion and calling are his 7-year-old daughter, Eliana Young and his selfless desire to help his fellow Veterans.
    Mr. Young is the Senior Co-Founder of the MilVet Community. A 501C nonprofit that works as a beacon of hope and opportunity for Veteran community cohesion. MilVet hosts a meetup on the first Monday of every month at Reformation Brewery for Veterans. MilVet has worked with the Cherokee Crisis Hotline and works with Veterans on several related issues, including mental health and suicide prevention. 
    MilVet sponsors charity concerts, road marches, community bbq, chili cook-offs and children's school supply drives. All to strengthen the community for Veterans and promote volunteerism. MilVet works closely with Veteran groups like Shepherds Men, Honor & Remember and Project Hero. The long-term mission of the MilVet Community is to replicate in other counties then in other states, to allow local Veterans to help other local Veterans through various issues. 

Glenn "Flash" Wells
   Glenn Wells completed his USMC boot camp in 1995, where he then reported to 1st Battalion 6th Marines at Camp Lejeune. Later, he joined the Marines Elite Force Recon (FORECON) as a Scout Recon Sniper. He served in both Iraq and Afghanistan during his 21 years of service. Mr. Wells was wounded multiple times but continued serving till his retirement in 2016. His service to the community and Veteran causes had just begun as he transitioned to civilian life.
   Using the benefits from service and overcoming the challenges of a traumatic brain injury, Glenn received 4 degrees between 2013-2020. One was a law degree, first serving the people of Cherokee County as the Assistant District Attorney and then serving in the Cherokee County Veterans Treatment Court (CCVTC). He felt the call to fight for his Veteran counterparts directly by becoming an Attorney-Advisor to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
    Today, Glenn works at Morton & Morton performing Veterans Benefit Appeals, ensuring Veterans get all the resources and benefits they earned from their service. He is fighting for Veterans and advocating for groups such as the Shepherds Men, Honor & Remember and MilVet Community in his spare time. Glenn resides in Woodstock with his wife, Amy Wells and they have two daughters, Mairin and Allyson. 

Our Veterans raised their right hands and took the noble oath to serve as so many have before them. To defend our country and our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In all instances, a Veteran sacrificed portions of their own freedoms and rights to ensure the survival of ours.