"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, and a stranger into a friend." - Melody Beattie
Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful, and readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It is imperative that we learn to foster gratitude in our lives. It truly does make what we have enough and ground us in the blessedness of our realities. We went around Loveland and asked community members what they were thankful for in hopes to stir up a spirit of gratitude and encourage you, our readership, to reflect on the good as well.
Tiffany Villavicencio
“I believe 2020 is a year to seek out the positives; the silver linings that may get missed in a year when so much changes. I am most thankful for my family. My children have blown me away with their resilience; they have stayed strong and have adapted to change in a manner beyond their years. I am thankful for my husband who has always done everything he can to support my dreams and those of our family. During the most uncertain of times, I’m thankful for the love and stability of the family I go home to every day.”
Promenade Shops at Centerra, General Manager
Facebook: @PromenadeShopsatCenterra
Instagram: @promenadeshopsatcenterra
Mindy McCloughan
“I am thankful for God, love, and laughter. Without any of those three, life would be very sad. My father just passed away, but while he was living he continually taught me the value of laughter. As time is the best healer, laughter is the best medicine.”
Loveland Chamber of Commerce, President
Facebook: @LiveLoveland
Instagram: @LiveLoveland
Steph Raabe
“I am grateful for all of the memories we’ve made at home since we’ve had SO MUCH time together!
I am grateful for all of the time and effort teachers have put into learning in a new way to teach our kids remotely. Their patience astounds me. They are heroes and should be recognized as such.
I am grateful for the steady income our company has been able to maintain. (It is considered essential, so we didn’t have to shut down during the lockdown.)
I am grateful for the thriving kitchen and bath showroom I get to manage.
I am grateful for toilet paper and hand soap on the shelves at the grocery store.
I am grateful for new seasons.
2020 won’t last forever.
I am grateful that God is watching over us during this crazy year.”
Dahl Decor
Northern Colorado's Premier Kitchen + Bath Showroom
2105 East 11th Street Suite 100 Loveland, Colorado
Facebook: @dahldecor
Instagram: @dahl.decor
RD Baker
“I am thankful for my family. They are my legacy. They are what will outlive me, and they will be the siren call of the impact I have had on my family. I am thankful for my community. They are the legacy of how much I cared and a testimony of the impact my work. I am grateful for the friendships I have developed. They changed my little part of the world. I believe we are created for "time and eternity”, and I hope my impact is felt in a time such as this and into eternity as well.”
Ambassador Colorado Real Estate
20 Years Experience- from Construction to sales to National Trainer