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(Photo: Mindy Briar)

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What We Love About Westport

A Few WLM Staff Favorites

As Westport Lifestyle Magazine approaches its 4th (!) anniversary, we thought you’d enjoy reading about what our staff and contributors love about Westport. There’s a chance you have no interest in this, but we love what they wrote so decided to do it anyways.

Jen Berniker, Writer

My favorite clothing store: Cotelac because I wish I were French. Also Roundabout, because they have amazing finds and I'm planning on becoming one of those people who shops second-hand and always looks cool.  

My favorite WLM feature: Robin's travel story about her adventure with her kids in the Kibera slum, Nairobi [100 Cows], was awesome. (Editor's note: I didn't force her to write this.)

John Videler, Photographer

Favorite indulgence: Golf at Longshore on Friday afternoon.

Favorite place for a drink: Walrus Alley. There’s something about those lights, the welcoming patio, and live music.

Favorite clothing store:  Patagonia. I love the outdoors.

Hidden gem: As a native Westporter, I know so many hidden gems. Too many to list. You’ll have to wait for my book to come out.

Sophia Andersen, Writer

My favorite hidden (but maybe not-so-hidden) gem is Middlemarch. Their jewelry selection is out of this world and the energy of the space is amazing. Whether purchasing a gift for someone else or a pick-me-up for myself, I always leave feeling inspired and smiling ear to ear. 

Meredith Guiness, Writer

The Westport Library. Curl up with a book and a cocoa in the café. Lay down a righteous beat in the recording studio. Walk the WiFi outdoors to finish your dissertation riverside. Heck, I’m even picking up a little Italian from the conversation group that meets behind my favorite perch on the balcony. È il paradiso dei topi di biblioteca!

Mindy Briar, Photographer

My favorite indulgence is Aux Delices ginger honey tea and ginger scone. I like to bring a beach chair and book to Sherwood Island and enjoy it! Sherwood is one of my favorite places to shoot as well as relax and take in the beautiful scenery. And I consider it good luck If I spot some deer!

Jerri Graham, Photographer

Favorite place to grab a drink: Anywhere someone is buying, but a shot of Limoncello chilled at Tarantino’s is always lovely.  

Favorite clothing store: Marshall’s. I like to buy my clothing, chips, shoes, and dog treats in the same location.  

Favorite feature from WLM: All of them. Every month I discover new people who make up the area I live in and why I stay.

Robin Moyer Chung, Editor

My favorite place to buy books: Goodwill on Post Road. At $1 each, they’re cheaper than the late fines (a substantial part of my annual “donation”) at the library.

My favorite indulgence: A vodka tonic at Compo on a summer evening (Note to police: I’m kidding. I never bring alcohol to the beach.)

My favorite feature from WLM: They’re all my babies, so I'll never admit  which I love best.

Marisa MacLean, Publisher and Founder

Favorite store: Savvy + Grace. The best place to buy local gifts and custom baskets.

Favorite restaurant: Kawa Ni has continued to impress me every single time I visit. Their unique and ever-changing menu keeps me coming back year after year.

Favorite feature in WLM: Any article that doesn’t have a typo. Just kidding Robin!

Seriously all of them. With each month, I learn more and more about our inspiring community. When we first set out to start Westport Lifestyle, I was worried about having enough content to fill each monthly edition. Now I know we won't EVER have enough pages to include all of the amazing stories from our special town!

We want to hear from you!

As always, please reach out to us if you have any editorial ideas.
