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What's The Best Kept Secret in Folsom?

Julia A. Nicholson, TEDx / Keynote Speaker, Consultant

Folsom is a city that fosters a strong sense of community, support, and connectedness.  Even though it has grown significantly over the past 20 years, it still maintains that small town feel!

Salwa Kasabian, Executive Director, Folsom's Hope

I think one of Folsom's best kept secrets is the wild blackberries that grow down by the river!  We pick them every summer and I make pie with them - yum!

Aaron Ralls, Ralls Real Estate (Folsom resident since 1988)

The best kept secret in Folsom is the sense of community and the 'locals support locals' mentality that abounds here. Get out of your comfort zone & start talking to your neighbors, you will be surprised at how accommodating we all are.

Kristen Norris, Special Events Coordinator, Powerhouse Ministries 

We love the free concerts at Palladio during the summer.  Grab some dinner and make it a fun family evening!  

Andy Thompson, Head Football Coach, Sacramento State

I love to stop by Big Wave Coffeehouse before heading into work.  Great breakfast sliders and Kona Coffee.  The staff is friendly and it has a great vibe to start your day.  My kids love their Ono Sodas.