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Josh Behr

Broker, Behr Team

The most important thing I want my child to learn in life…

I want my kids to live a life full of adventure.  So often, children seem to be sequestered to anything that will provide a distraction to those around them in order to provide a respite to the chaos.  I want my kids to be physically, mentally and socially challenged, while being encouraged to live presently.  This ethos feels like a gift that they will appreciate (one day…).  

What brings you the most joy in your craft…

Navigating the complexities of a deal and effectively working through a negotiation are the two things that really drive me.  Real estate can be eternally dynamic, and the constant fluidity of the business provides me daily motivation.

3.  What currently inspires you…

Other successful brokers, both in Denver and nationwide, help create a framework of consistent growth and help push boundaries, especially as Denver evolves as a next tier city.  

The best way to give back…

There are so many ways to give back.  I think the best thing to do is find your passions and look to sharing those with others.  My philanthropy of choice is First Descents -  While there are countless organizations that deserve your time and money, I have a deep connection with First Descents' mission.

The soundtrack to my life is….

Mine is constantly changing!  This year, however, I seem to continually gravitate to Imagine Dragons’ “Whatever it Takes” - seems fitting with two little kids and big goals in work and life.

Greatest lesson you’ve learned being in the real estate industry…

There are so many…the one I just learned (or was reminded of) - always know your audience.  It is so easy to get complacent, then something slaps you in the face.  This is another reason I love this business! 

How do you pursue a balanced lifestyle…

It is a daily challenge!  The best thing I have found is to create a firm schedule of the important things and do not deviate!  If it doesn’t make it on your schedule, you probably shouldn’t be wasting the time...

What are your success habits…

Beyond being firm in focusing just on the things that are really important, it is vital to be a perpetual student.  Being a voracious reader has been important to me in recent years.  Others around you are probably doing something better, so I like to constantly analyze and learn. 

What’s next…

The real estate market in Denver continually evolves and adds layers of interest.  I am having a blast enjoying that ride.  What’s next is I want to refine my craft and continually strive towards a higher-level of understanding and service.  There is so much more that can be done, and my goal is to be amongst the people growing and evolving the business.