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Find Your Dream Smile

With Wilton Dental Associates

Rebecca D’Andrea, DDS, always had a dream to create a small-town dental practice and so she did. Wilton Dental Associates, offers unmatched dental care going beyond just dental cleanings. Dr. D'Andrea, also known as 'Dr. Beckie D'Andrea' offers a unique approach at her practice, while also providing an important level of education to her patients. Our conversation with Dr. D'Andrea will show just how well her office does this. Not only does her all women led team providence exceptional care, they are also extremely involved in the community. From cosmetic dentistry, general & family dentistry, to oral surgery the team at Wilton Dental Associates does it all!

We are thrilled to introduce you to Dr. D'Andrea and share the work that she does in and outside of her office.

DNCL: What inspired you to start your own business and how did the idea for your dental practice come about?

RD: It may sound corny but I wanted to have my own practice to create a special place for people to work and a place where patients could find their “dental home”. I also wanted the challenge to push myself out of my comfort zone. I wanted to have my own practice because I wanted to create a platform where I could serve and do dentistry from a whole-istic perspective. I wanted to create an office where I could treat people as if they were coming to my home. And lastly, I am a single mom
with 3 incredible daughters and I wanted to show them that they can have their own business and never to let anything stop them from going after their goals and dreams!

DNCL: How have you overcome any community-specific challenges?

RD: I am happy to report that I have been welcomed into the community. My colleagues in the dental and medical field in our community have been welcoming and kind. Wilton has a dental study club that is very inclusive. Dental school is more than 50% women and I feel like woman have wonderful equality and respect in our profession. I have met several other woman business owners who have shared resources that have been helpful. I have worked with the members of the Rotary Club, amazing men and women. Camille Carriero, the Director of the Chamber of Commerce and member of the Rotary Club, makes being part of our community so enriching and everything she does is so well organized.

I have had the pleasure of working with Suma Iyer; she is active at the Wilton YMCA and organizes fund raisers for the local swim club.

Balancing professional pursuits with personal life in our community is quite easy and encouraged!

There are countless community events every month to get out and make memories with your family and have fun like Circle of Care 5k Run, the annual Carnival at the Miller Driscoll School, tons of events at Ambler Farms, excellent local theater at The Wilton Playhouse, the epic 80’s party at the Trackside Teen Center and the Annual Wilton Woman’s Club Fashion Show Fundraiser or just take a hike around Weir Pond. We attend as an office and have made so many wonderful memories together.

I would recommend for woman trying to find harmony between professional and personal life from the professional side to join the Chamber of Commerce and the Wilton Woman’s Club for comradery and join one or our local fitness or yoga gyms.

DNCL: Are there any local advocacy initiatives you're involved in?
We sponsor a breast cancer survivor during Breast Cancer Awareness month to come to our office for complimentary services such as Elise Ackerman. For every new patient to our office we donate a free oral health kit to a person in need. We have made the most impact in our communities growth and development by supporting events and fundraisers for the Wilton YMCA, Circle of Care, Trackside Teen Center and the Chamber of Commerce. We also love supporting projects that our patients are involved with such as art shows and local theater. We support our patient who founded Traffic Jam, a non profit to raise awareness for human trafficking. We are also supporters of Thrive Wellness,  an amazing organization that supports people living with cancer. We work with the Village Market for our catering and frequent Cactus Rose for our office outings.

DNCL: How have you used your influence of platform champion positive change for women?

We are a woman owned business and all women employed company. We haven’t done anything formally in this regard but I think just by who we are and operating as we are we have an influence. I am open to doing more in this area.

A cause I am deeply passionate about is: in our office, we take a holistic approach and have an in depth knowledge about sleep disorders and how they can be diagnosed and treated in the dental office.

After attending a course 8 years ago and learning that many kids and adults are misdiagnosed as having ADHD when in reality they have an airway issue, I had to learn more!

As dental professionals, we have a birds eye view of the holes we breath from and know what to look for that indicate a potential problem. Sleep Disordered Breathing presents itself as tooth grinding, clenching, TMJ pain, crowded teeth, tongue ties, migraines and headaches. This is also related to anxiety, depression, acid reflux and poor sleep!

Many people are misdiagnosed as having ADHD when in reality they have a space, shape and anatomy issue in their nose and mouth that is causing us to be deprived of proper oxygen and sleep.

DNCL: What are some local empowerment stories that come to mind?

RD: Two woman warriors come to mind. Officer Elise Ackerman, Wilton Police Officer and mother of 2 young children, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019. She currently serves our community as a School Resource Officer. She is a courageous survivor and warrior and we are honored to have her as a patient. The second person that comes to mind is Camille, our tireless and amazing Director of the Wilton Chamber of Commerce. She welcomed me with open arms, introduced me to many local business owners and helped me plan an Open House. From the Scarecrow Contest to the amazing Farmers Market season, she connects the community, its residents and business owners together and is a gift to our town.

DNCL: Any challenges and triumphs you have gone through?
RD: Besides buying a dental practice during COVID, my biggest obstacle was myself. Being a leader that comes from a place of integrity, strength, respect and compassion has always been a goal of mine. I have worked with both an executive coach and life coach as well as listened to countless audio books, webinars and podcasts to improve myself as a leader, a business person and just to be a better human. I am in a Master Mind accountability group and have attended several Tony Robbins events.

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Top 5 local experiences:
Favorite local restaurant: Cactus Rose
Favorite thing to do on the weekends: go listen to live music, Bikram yoga, trail run
Favorite place to visit: The Maritime Aquarium
Favorite local business: B Chic, Classically Cate, Tusk and Cup
Hobbies: Trail running in Mianus River Park, paddle boarding on the waterways in Stamford, hanging out at Todd’s Point, Jazz Forum in Tarrytown, gardening, making homemade Kahlua. 

"I wanted to create an office where I could treat people as if they were coming to my home."

"As dental professionals, we have a birds eye view of the holes we breath from and know what to look for that indicate a potential problem."

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