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Winterizing Home

A Guide to Protecting Your Plumbing

Although winters in Dripping Springs might not be as bone-chilling as those in other regions, we do have an occasional deep freeze. The unforgettable “Snowpocalypse” of 2021 serves as a vivid reminder that proactive care can make all the difference when it comes to safeguarding our homes.

After the freeze, Mend Service’s master plumber Chris McIvor worked tirelessly helping repair the damage. “I saw a tremendous amount of damage to houses, businesses and apartment complexes. The unfortunate thing is that a lot of this damage could have been avoided by taking the necessary steps, but some people just aren’t aware of what those steps are.” 

Chris shares his insights on how to protect your plumbing against another potential winter freeze that could wreak havoc on homes: 

  1. Make sure all accessible piping is insulated, including in attics and garages.

  2. Drip faucets at a steady pace.

  3. Open cabinets on any sinks on an exterior wall to allow heat from the house to warm the pipes.

  4. Insulate outside hose bibs using manufactured covers.

  5. Isolate and drain tankless water heaters. 

  6. Valve off, turn off, and drain your irrigation system. Drain any backflow devices outside.

  7. Contact your pool contractor to find out how to best protect pool equipment.

  8. Locate water shut-off valves and ensure that they are working properly. Often homeowners are unaware of where these are located, and if they haven’t been used in a while, some of them can be difficult to turn.

  9. If you suspect your pipes are frozen, the best thing to do is turn off your water and notify a plumber immediately. Often plumbers can prevent further damage if they’re notified quickly enough.

Contact Mend Services for plumbing, electrical, HVAC or specialty construction needs. | @mendservices | (737) 210-1191