A sofa that had been imbued with the musks of a thousand vermin. A bed which creaked so noisily that it elicited complaints from my neighbors. Milk crates deemed “no longer fit for service” by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
I have owned all of these pieces of furniture before. Thank goodness I now have money, taste, my own home, and a wife who forces me to buy actual decent furniture, or else I might never have progressed past them.
Now that I’ve shopped for furniture indoors, I’m acquainted with every type of furniture shopping experience there is. Many stores treat me like I’m an intruder, who has ungraciously taken it upon himself to distract the staff from their cell phones. Many others have decidedly more helpful staff, even if that just means they can recite from sales sheets. But only a few – and by “a few,” I mean “Yetzer” – actually instills me with what is unarguably the best thing you can feel while you’re making a major investment in your decor.
“Certainty,” said Thomas Wiest, owner. “Our guests are certain they’re getting the very best deals on the very best furniture the Twin Cities have to offer.
“That’s thanks in no small part to the furniture makers we’ve partnered with: American, at the top of their game, and invariably accountable for the highest-quality products. We can give you a hundred reasons why an easy chair, dining room set, credenza, or other piece is featured in our showroom. But even if you don’t ask any questions about something, you’ll get the (correct) impression that we feel good about selling it to you. Confidence like that can’t be faked!
“Our showroom can’t contain every piece of furniture our guests could imagine – and that’s OK. Our partnerships with reputable Amish manufacturers like Canadel, Fusion Designs, Oakwood Industries, and Smith Brothers guarantee that we’ll always provide the perfect match to the piece of your dreams. When cookie-cutter furniture won’t cut it, just explain what you’re after, right down to the fabric and stain colors. You’ll be shocked by how quickly it materializes in your home.”
Yetzer customers often don’t make things so easy for Thomas and his team. They visit the Waconia store with a dim notion that something’s missing – but if they know what it is, then it’s locked deep inside their subconscious.
“Is there something off about a certain room? The way it looks, or feels, or its design or lack thereof? Don’t worry about putting your finger on it, because one of our designers will point it out almost instantly,” said Thomas. “Some attended interior design school. Some just have an uncanny aptitude for perfecting indoor spaces. All of them can visit your home – or your business – and recommend the decor which will elevate it to perfection.
“It doesn’t matter if the space is already finished or still under construction. Heck, just show us a sketch, or a blueprint, or even a few Instagram photos, and it will only be a matter of time until we’ve designed something you’re sure to love.”
That would be an admittedly tall order if Yetzer were only a furniture store, but it just so happens to offer quality flooring and window treatments as well. Carpet, hardwood, laminate, vinyl and tile. More than 250 models of blinds and shades by Hunter Douglas, in over 700 different colors. They’re yours with expert and zippy installation by Yetzer’s partnered contractors.
“It’s not just about getting in and out as quickly as possible,” explained Thomas. “Simplifying special orders. Ensuring timely deliveries. Moving around other pieces of furniture on the day of delivery, and disposing of anything that’s outlived its usefulness. It’s all in service of building your confidence in Yetzer. We want you to be as certain of our brand as we are.”
Don’t let spring arrive before you have fully prepared your home for it! Stop by 33 W 1st St in Waconia to visit Yetzer Home Store, as well as the nearby sleep and flooring stores. Call (952) 442-4242 to request your FREE home estimate, or visit Yetzers.com to learn more. Whatever happens, you are guaranteed a more inviting living space than the one I had before I was domesticated.
"We want you to be as certain of our brand as we are."
– Thomas Wiest