Being young in New Mexico has its challenges. Poverty ranks high in the nation, as well as poor education. There just doesn’t seem like much to do in terms of having a fun career here. But then the film industry came into town and kept growing. Most people don’t know this, but you can get into the film industry at a young age and work your way up, starting with zero experience. Usually it’s just a matter of taking some classes.
One New Mexican young man has proved that hard work and dedication to your passion will pay off. I sat down with Giancarlo Beltran and asked him about his journey as a young professional in the film industry.
Who are you, where are you from?
I’m Originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, but my mom and I are from Mexico. My dad is from Guasave, Sinaloa and mom is from Tijuana, Mexico. My mom and Dad came to the states because they wanted a better life and also a good future for their kids. My dad grew up selling furniture as a kid and selling dishes. My mom grew up poor, asking neighbors for food on the streets.
How did you get into the film industry?
Back in the summer of 2018, I was scrolling through Facebook and found a BG casting call for the show Chambers. Why not?! The worst answer I can get back is a no. I reached out to Elizabeth Gabels and she liked my look. She’s an extras casting director here in Albuquerque, and she gave a lot of people a start in the film industry.
I worked 16 hours on set and I realized this is what I really want to do. But I got this feeling that really hit me, I knew I don’t just want to be an extra, I want to be an actor. Then they kept calling me back, and it hit me. I need to be an actor! Like one of the people speaking the words. At the time a friend recommended that I train over at the Sol Acting Studio, what’s now Story Quest Studios, and that’s how I met you.
It’s been awesome to see your journey. Can you describe what you did?
Yeah, I took every acting class I could from everyone at the acting studio. I think I took 32 classes there! Then I decided to do something I’m not supposed to do. I called up several agencies. Only one answered her phone, Carissa Mitchell. She loved my look and saw all the classes I was taking and signed me up! I didn’t expect to become a SAG actor in a year!
What do you mean?
My third TV show, I landed a recurring role in Roswell. This was life changing for me. I mean, Better Call Saul was a huge step up for me. I booked Deputy that same year, and on the third booking you have to join the union, Screen Actors Guild.
That is a lot of momentum into a film acting career. What is that like?
It was an amazing experience, I feel so grateful. I got to work for about two and a half years for that amazing TV show that changed my life. I knew what I wanted to do with my life. This is what I do, auditioning, storytelling. Having learned the Discovery Technique from all the classes, I am now able to prove to my agent and now my manager, Maxx Maulion, who is an amazing manager, that I can handle these bigger roles. All these people have been really guiding me in the right direction.
What advice do you have for other young people in Albuquerque wanting to get into the Film industry as an actor?
If you’re starting out. Take classes. That’s the number one priority, take classes. In my three years in the industry the big mistake I always see is people always asking agents or casting directors, how can I get an audition, or when are you going to get me an audition. No one is going to do this for you, you have to do the work. So, I tell people, ok if you want to be an actor, take a bunch of acting classes. They usually roll their eyes and say they already know how to act and they just need an agent to get them a job. But that’s not how it works, you have to train, all the time training and learning more about it. Then, like Brad Lemack always says, you become the right actor. He’s one of the instructors at the acting studio that really became a mentor to me. I took his class five times. What people don’t get is it’s not just about learning, it’s about making connections with people. Not like you’re using them, more like you are their friend and we all get to grow together. Everyone gets caught up in the popularity crap. I’m not about that, I love acting. I love doing the work. That’s what you have to do. Take classes, and everything happens from there.
What else can a young person do if they are interested in the film industry?
Honestly, start getting on set, anyway you can. I love the film industry. I love being on set. I always learn so much no matter which position, I helped with sound, locations, catering, and I love helping produce movies, too. If you want to be an actor, you should make your own movies because you get to act in them! Why wait?
That’s awesome, what projects are you working on?
Well, I showed a filmmaker this character I played on one of my projects at the school, and he said he wanted to shoot something with this character. So, I am working with him and others associated with the school in creating an original movie or pilot about this character, Pollo Loco. It’s pretty funny. I also help with all the projects the school does, I learn a lot just by watching everyone at Story Quest Studios make movies, they make movies all the time! You really just have to love the film industry and making movies. You will meet so many cool people along the way and some of them will really care and want to see you succeed. Those are the people you should hang out with.
It was uplifting and inspiring to interview Giancarlo. I really think his story brings hope to other young people in New Mexico. There is more to life than just working a nine to five. We just have to be proactive and find what we’re passionate about. Giancarlo shows us that all it takes is dedication and anyone can live their dreams. All you have to do is figure out what drives you and then the rest is the story of you going after it!