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Marni Sheppard | Marni's works explore the sim biotic relationship between nature and humanity.

Featured Article

Yuan Ru

Art Center: Presents Five Mercer Island Artists

Yuan Ru Art Center’s current exhibition “2024 Contemporary Artists Preview” features a joint exhibition of 9 Pacific Northwest artists, including 5 artists from Mercer Island, curated by gallerist Julie Hsieh. This exhibition started in November and will be extended until January 7th, 2024. Hours are weekends noon to 4pm and weekdays by appointment. Please call (425) 582-8878 or email Address: 12737 Bel-Red Rd, Suite 100, Bellevue, WA

“Art is a way to express creativity and emotions. It is not only ceramics, painting or what people think traditionally art is. Cooking, writing, coding, or anything expressing personal feeling or creativities are also art. Art transcends many boundaries and is a powerful tool of self-expression to anyone.” - Kouji Kodera

"My artwork is a juxtaposition of tightly structured and loosely playful. I enjoy the journey from the right hemisphere of my brain to the left and back again, in the process producing an invitation for the viewer to engage with color, shape and the way they interact with each other." - Louise Hankes

“Everything is connected in nature. All we need to do is follow the line with our eyes and our heart.” - Marni Sheppard

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