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The Importance of Giving from the Heart

Giving to others makes our community stronger.

Tracye Hutchins and Monica Pearson are two of the most recognizable news personalities in Atlanta, and the newly minted Atlanta News First Network is certainly letting them lead by example. Both of these women’s legacy is entrenched in generosity, helping others, and challenging us all to do better, each and every day.

 The old adage, “To whom much is given, much is required”, is a motto that Monica Pearson’s mother Hattie Edmondson instilled in her at a very young age. “Monnie," said her mother, "you must reach back, pull up and push forward others.” Monica has impacted the lives of countless here in Atlanta over the years and she has become a big believer in “look around you, see where there is a need and offer your expertise.”

For Tracye, her motto is more of a challenge to herself and to others, “I know it’s hard to find time to give back, but once you start, those who you’ve helped are so appreciative. You really start to wonder, why haven’t I always done this?” And while, “there is always a sense of immediate goodness, seeing the smiles of those that you have helped is the big payoff.”

Being in the public eye, both Tracye and Monica have many opportunities to support our community. As a news anchor, Tracye believes that she has, “a responsibility to bring attention to our non-profits who do so much to make life better for so many in Metro Atlanta.” Atlanta News First has many well-established community programs. “We are part of a large project that supplies books to students in communities of need,” says Tracye. “When I get a hug from the kids. When they open their own book bags and see books that they can take home and read, it means everything.”

For Monica, she again remembers her mother’s sage advice: “Our talents - what we’re good at - are gifts that are meant to be given away and not hoarded.”  Meals on Wheels Atlanta (MOWA) is one of Monica’s favorite organizations in Atlanta. “My mother loved MOWA because of the people who made the deliveries. They didn’t just deliver food, they delivered companionship.” Hattie wanted her independence. That was a driving force for Monica that, “led to me becoming a board member at MOWA and a financial contributor.”

It seems like we could all learn a little about how to live a dedicated life of service from both of these incredible women. Isn’t it time we all found a way to give back. After all, aren't we all in this together?