Though Mother Nature masterfully composts organic disposables naturally, we can still lend her a hand by fast-tracking the decomposition process ourselves – all the while reducing the waste we produce and yielding healthy soil.
Here is a head start list on green and brown leftover composting materials for beginners:
Green: eggshells; vegetable/fruit scraps and peelings; coffee grounds; leaves; flowers; grass clippings; herbs/spices; wine/beer; non-diseased herbivore manure; dry dog/cat foods; bread.
Brown: fall leaves; chopped twigs; hay; untreated wood sawdust; shredded cardboard/paper; dryer lint; cotton fabric; tea leaves/bags (without staples); dry cereal.
- Eggs
- Bones
- Meat
- Dairy products
- Fats, grease
- Diseased plants
- Human/dog/cat waste
- Treated logs
- Charcoal briquettes
- Stove/fireplace/barbecue ashes
- Seeded/rooted weeds
- Toxic chemicals
Composting not only enriches your plants and soil properties, but also helps the environment whilst saving you time and money. Win-win!
Learn how to compost at home and in your community at