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Ensuring Health and Safety

Learn about the importance of sports physicals for children from Impact Family Wellness

Article by Monica McKitterick, Impact Family Wellness

Photography by Emily Schoolcraft

Originally published in Cedar Park City Lifestyle

As a nurse practitioner, I have had the privilege of caring for children and witnessing the countless benefits that physical activities bring to their lives. Engaging in sports helps children develop essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, while promoting physical fitness and overall well-being. To ensure their safety and optimize their participation, one vital aspect that should never be overlooked is the sports physical.

Sports physicals, also known as pre-participation physical examinations (PPEs), are comprehensive assessments conducted by healthcare professionals to evaluate a child's physical readiness to participate in sports. They involve a thorough review of the child's medical history, a physical examination, and discussions about any potential health concerns. 

One objective is identifying any risk factors that may limit a child’s ability to participate fully. Conditions such as asthma, heart problems, or musculoskeletal issues can be identified and managed appropriately, preventing potential complications. Additionally, sports physicals provide an opportunity to educate children about injury prevention, nutrition, hydration, and other health-related aspects specific to their chosen sport.

Sports physicals also assess emotional and psychological well-being. Children may face stress, anxiety, or depression related to sports performance. During a sports physical, healthcare providers address these concerns, provide support, and refer to appropriate resources if needed. This fosters a positive sports experience and overall healthy development.

Furthermore, sports physicals allow healthcare providers to confirm that immunizations are up to date, reducing the risk of vaccine-preventable illnesses and protecting the child, their teammates, and the community at large. By prioritizing sports physicals and immunizations, we empower children to safely engage in activities, promoting their growth, development, and enjoyment of sports while minimizing the risk of injuries and health complications.

See the Impact Family Wellness website for additional information:

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