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The Salt Spa of Bellevue

The Salt Spa of Bellevue



About Us

Enjoy our Salt Therapy, which relieves symptoms of Allergies, Asthma, Cold, Flu, Insomnia and more. This is an all-natural, drug-free therapy that benefits the lungs, skin, body, and mind. At the Salt Spa of Bellevue, everything is about relaxation and holistic health; from the unique halotherapy (relief from respiratory/allergy issues) to color therapy, music therapy and zero-gravity recliners, all of your senses are encouraged to let go and enjoy the atmosphere of utter calm and beauty. Inside the illuminated pink salt brick-chambered rooms, you will relax with a glowing sun and peaceful moon, and even a “salt box” for the enjoyment of youngsters and adults alike. The reception area features great prices on health-promoting salt items to take into your home. Use this amazing health alternative to breathe more easily, diminish stress, improve mental function, and dissolve away with a relaxed smile. Free and easy door-front parking. No need to worry about searching for a place to park your car that you have to pay for and then find after your fantastic massage. We want you to have a stress-free visit! Each session lasts 50 minutes. Please wear warm and comfortable clothing.