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Salt Therapy Room at Salt Mine Arium

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Finding Time to Breathe

Local spa provides a salty sanctuary to help clients relax and take a deep breath

If you’re like me, you’ve no doubt noticed the Himalayan sea salt craze. In fact, my parents have not just one, but two large, peach-colored, mineral-rich jagged slabs in their home. One downstairs in the living area and one in their bedroom. They purchased theirs several years ago from a friend of a friend, but you can find them everywhere – and in all shapes and sizes.

They are heavy pieces and beautiful to the eye, and also are reported to act as a mechanism for purifying and healing the body. Queue halotherapy, also known as salt therapy.

Salt Mine Arium is Bellevue’s only spa fully dedicated to salt therapy and it opened its doors in 2013. Salt therapy, or halotherapy, is the providing of microfine particles of salt to the body via the skin and lungs inside of a large, arid space. While other treatments are available, salt therapy is the signature treatment offered at the spa.

At Salt Mine Arium offers two large communal treatment rooms constructed of 38,000 pounds of peachy-pink salt bricks imported from the Himalayas. Private sessions are also available. Clients sit comfortably in a large treatment room as the salt particles are blown into the room from a Halogenerator, a machine that creates the pharmaceutical-grade salt. You breathe the salt in slowly and deeply, while relaxing and allow the particles it to reach your exposed skin.

The benefits of dry salt therapy include improved lung function, absorption of excess fluid I the alveoli and movement of mucus out of the lungs. Betty Tanner, owner of Salt Mine Arium, describes “it is like a toothbrush for your lungs.” Because of the natural action of dry salt, the treatment is recommended for anyone with a lung condition, for athletes and vocal performers. It is also very good for the skin and helps in cases of skin issues like psoriasis and eczema, as well as for those who need relaxation and de-stressing.

Tanner recently purchased Salt Mine Arium as an active business. Having worked in health care for many years, she always had a deep interest in alternative health care treatments. When she discovered salt therapy, she realized that “it is effective and useful for nearly everyone. Salt therapy treatment has helped me personally with the asthma and bronchitis I seem to contract every winter. It has been so successful for me, I cannot help but what to share with everyone else.”

A salt therapy treatment session is an amazing meditative and relaxing experience. Afterwards, many recipients may or may not experience a slight cough or tickle in their throats. It is common and should not be cause for alarm. Tanner recommends “salt therapy is best used as a foundation for a healthy lifestyle. It is important to breathe clean air, yet it isn’t always available.”

Salt Mine Arium provides just that – a sanctuary to relax and keep your lungs free and clear. The treatments are not just for adults – they have a separate room that accommodates children. The children’s room features a salt “sand box” which the children can sit and play with while the parents relax. This feature allows the benefits of salt therapy to be enjoyed by the entire family.

The spa also offers massage therapy, reiki and energy work, acupuncture as well as yoga and meditation services. You can find more information on the other services provided at: and @salt.mine.arium.

Salt Mine Arium Quick Facts:

Located: 1850 130th Ave NE #4, Bellevue

Cost: $48 for 3 sessions for new clients

Hours: Monday - Saturday

Salt therapy is effective and useful for nearly everyone. It has helped me personally with the asthma and bronchitis I seem to contract every winter. It has been so successful for me, I cannot help but what to share with everyone else.” – Betty Tanner, owner of Salt Mine Arium

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