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XAR Clothiers

Let Roy at XAR put SPRING in your step!

There are many ways to quantify success. Most people would agree that being referenced by one name only would certainly qualify as success. This is the level of success that Roy, the owner of Southlake Square's Luxurious XAR Clothier has accomplished. An event in Southlake cannot be attended without spotting the beautifully saturated colored Jackets, with luscious silk patterned linings, on most of the gentlemen there. Roy's eye for detail and ability to dress his clients in exactly what they will shine in, is spot on.

Most days, if you pop into Xar Clothiers you will see a few of Xar's gorgeously clad sales associates helping customers; and by the time you get to the counter, you will feel a jolt of energy enter the space as Roy steps up to help you himself. His work ethic and commitment to his craft is unwavering. From the initial moment you meet, his eyes light up as he scans his beautiful store. He is engaged and fixated on you, and determining how he can bring the light and excitement of fashion to you; so that he can create the best you. Roy is happy to share his energy and enthusiasm. To him being generous with his gifts of positivity, creativity, and style, is what makes his life meaningful and fun. 

A quick scan of the store and window dressings will tell you all you need to know about the quality of Roy's creativity and his high standards. Any store can decorate mannequins in a window, but it takes a mind that understands how colors and fabrics can speak to people to put together an artistic array.  Inside the store, the clothes are treated by Xar for what they are, works of art. The store is of course impeccably arranged, and each clothing item is appropriately numbered in a way that gives one the impression that there were just a few of each item made. Indeed, this is the case with a large number of Xar's dresses and women's wear. In short, the store is luxurious, and it is what one imagines luxury to be, but luxurious clothes are not enough for Xar. Roy ventures a step further into luxury, by educating his clientele, which he knows very well, on what makes them look and feel unique. A patron that comes in with ideas is lifted higher by Roy's vast knowledge of current fashion, and for those that do not know the latest fashion, Roy is a quick cheat sheet to looking their best and exuding a sense of style to the public that makes the patron look smart. It is a certainty that no matter what your level of fashion literacy is, you will walk out of Xar with items you treasure, because you are absolutely certain you look unique and fashion literate. That is success to Roy, and that along with his family, it is what drives his happiness. 

It should also be mentioned that over the last year, Roy has added a new brand to his store. He has partnered up with the lovely Aimee Reeves to bring the incredible line, LA FOURI to the fashion loving ladies of the area. They have included about 10 pieces from the line in past two seasons and the response has been fabulous. The LA FOURI brand makes items that are truly magnificent in the details, with delicate beading details accenting lavish colorful patterns. With Roy's eye for detail, LA FOURI will be a brand to follow. 

Southlake is a relatively young city, known for its high standards. It's businesses like Xar that give Southlake the desirable reputation it has, and it's hard working dedicated, and knowledgeable people like Roy that make it all work.

"We offer our clients the most exquisite, fashionable attire to wear to the amazing events, non-profit galas, and special occasions that fill their lives. We are very particular with the items we carry under the XAR name and only dress our clients in the most unique and highest quality garments."