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Q&A with HATponics

What is HATponics? 

HATponics is a sustainable agricultural company focused on feeding people around the world. To achieve this mission HATponics has diversified into many industries including but not limited to farming, construction and education. Our goal is always clear however the path to feeding millions around the world takes on many forms. 

What inspired Ryan Cox to start it? 

His original inspiration came from the film Beyond Borders. As Ryan watched the story of a CEO’s journey though global hunger and philanthropy, he realized there was more he could do to feed people than a monetary donation. Ryan became inspired to design a self-sustainable agriculture system for global use, and the HATponics portable farming solution was born a year later.

What is the mission of the company? 

With roots in humanitarian aid, our goal is to help find ecological and economical solutions to food production for all people. Our main mission is to feed 30 million by 2030 globally through sustainable farming systems and other projects.

How do locals benefit from the work HATponics is doing? 

Our headquarters are located right here in Lenoir City which houses our Farm "HATfresh" which offers CSA memberships with home delivery. By joining our CSA locals are able to directly contribute to our efforts to feed others with food insecurity locally and globally.  Our CSA is year round, we use aquaponics systems in our greenhouse to grow year round. We also have a large outdoor operation along with one of largest blackberry farms in the region.  HATponics also offers educational tours, and soon we will be offering workshops on sustainable farming. 


What do you want readers to know about HATponics, its purpose, or its efforts? 

HATponics is a multifaceted company with big goals and large efforts to make the planet a better place through sustainable agriculture. We have built aquaponics systems all over the world helping people in food impoverished communities by giving them the tools to feed themselves for life. On the local level we are partnered with YOCO and Emerald Youth Foundation to feed at risk youth in the Knoxville Community.