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Photo by Peter Rymwid

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Move, Renovate Or Redesign Home?

Advice Editorial: The Unbiased Scoop From Interior Design Consultant Donna Hoffman

With spring’s awakening, there's a popular question that curls through the brains of 'home-itchy' interior design lovers everywhere:  is it time to move, renovate or redesign?!

To focus on thinking, let's spill the tea about what to do, what’s possible, when and why.


Without exaggeration, people are consistently amazed by how powerful interior design alone is to completely re-invent the vibe and experience of an entire home. New clients always state:  “We considered moving and didn’t want the hassle, or, we love our location but we want this to feel like a totally new residence – can it be done without moving a wall?” The answer is yes.

Color, line, form, shape, light, placement and everything else that goes into a seamlessly well-designed space have a power like no other to completely transform it.

Despite furniture costs being at an all-time high, staying put, skipping the reno, and investing in excellent new design, furnishings and appointments will always be the “lowest cost” option, while bringing notable results.


Renovation is the optimal choice if one enjoys a lot about the home or location, but the desire is to update finishes, such as in kitchens, or to increase space for added functionality and enhanced quality of life.

Provided that one has adequate “set back“ allowance on the owned property, reno with an addition is a fantastic option. It builds upon the good that one already has while making incredible new things happen.

One popular option is expanding the kitchen and adding a new or larger family room. The upsides are many, starting with directly enhancing daily living by adding space where one “lives” the most. Plus, happy-making elements, such as adding more glass with larger windows or potentially leveraging higher ceilings, can be accommodated.

Another common reno option is expanding the upstairs primary bedroom, possibly adding a sitting or dressing room, while simultaneously adding space directly below it in the first-floor kitchen or family room.


Moving always costs more than anyone anticipates. There is a slim likelihood that all existing furniture will seamlessly work in a new nest. Some will. Some will be too large or too small. Some pieces that have been hated for years will be hated more in a new space.

There’s also little chance one will like the prior owner’s design tastes, so plan on costs for painting, window coverings, furniture, area rugs, new carpets, lighting – the works.

Beyond the cost of the move, furnishings costs, or reno costs, if an updated kitchen or bath is desired, there is a personal cost. It typically takes people a solid year to feel fully settled in a new residence. Anticipate all this, and it'll be golden.

When to really move: If more space is needed (and renovation isn’t possible); if less space is needed; or if a new location is required. Set realistic expectations:  Is the fantasy about living in a half-filled new home, or is it gorgeous spaces wanted? If it's the second option, set aside an adequate budget.

In any of these scenarios, one may need an expert or two to drill into the unique logistics and budget. But, it's good to focus on how the best home awaits!


Instagram: @idhdesigns

About Donna Hoffman:
Multiple award-winning and Bucks County-based firm, Impeccably Designed Homes by Donna Hoffman, specializes in new construction, renovation, whole home- and full-room design, delivering livable luxury to discerning clients. As seen in Forbes, Real Simple and on television, IDH works locally as well as throughout the United States.

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