Before families gather for Thanksgiving feasts and festivities this year, Boerne residents will get a chance to learn how they can do something to help those less fortunate – those who often don’t have enough to eat or a safe place to sleep on any given day of the year.
Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week Boerne will feature two key events the week before Thanksgiving. A Boerne CROP Hunger Walk will kick things off on Saturday morning, November 13, followed by H&H Week Teen Night on Wednesday, November 17. Organizers for both events include local churches, area non-profits, the City of Boerne, Boerne ISD and several local businesses.
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless to promote education, action, and awareness about hunger and homelessness in the U.S. CROP Hunger Walks help children and families worldwide – and right here in Boerne – to have food for today while building for a better tomorrow. Local efforts are making a huge difference, and so can you. Learn more about the cause at
Looking to make a difference locally and worldwide, the Boerne CROP Hunger Walk has set a goal of 200 walkers and hopes to raise $5,000 to help end hunger and poverty through long-term sustainable approaches to significantly reduce or eliminate hunger. A portion of the funds raised here will go to support Hill Country Family Services, a vital resource for families in crisis.
Local youth and their parents can enjoy a free meal and a fun, informative night of activities focused on teen and adult homelessness in Boerne at H&H Week Teen Night. This event will be held on the practice field at Boerne Middle School North from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m., where a 23-foot movie screen will be set up. In poignant videos and from local speakers, attendees will hear teens’ stories of living with hunger, having no place to call home, and using couch surfing as a way to get by and survive.
This event will inspire compassion and share ways to help. Attendees are asked to donate used or new jeans and/or pre-packaged snack foods that will be distributed to teens in need through Boerne ISD and Love Boerne Kids. Also bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating.
Organizing & supporting Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week Boerne are the following friends and partners: Hill Country Daily Bread, Hill Country Family Services, the City of Boerne, Boerne ISD, Love Boerne Kids, Kronkosky Place, Meals on Wheels Kendall County, Touchstone Church, St. Mark Presbyterian Church & Early Leaning Center, Boerne Radio, and Canes.
2021 CROP Hunger Walk Fast Facts
· When: Saturday, November 13. Gather at 9:00 a.m.; walk starts at 9:30 a.m.
· Where: St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 208 W. Bandera Rd. Boerne. Meet in the back parking lot off Water Street. Walk is 1.7 miles from the church to Main Street to River Road and back to St. Mark.
· More Info: Contact Angela Grover, St. Mark Director of Christian Education at or call the church at (830) 816-3000.
H&H Week Teen Night Fast Facts
· When: Wednesday, November 17, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
· Where: Boerne Middle School North Practice Field, 123 Johns Road Boerne
· How: Bring your youth group, high school or middle school club, team, friends and parents. Bring donations of used Jeans for Teens or pre-packaged snacks. Enjoy a free dinner, games, and activities while learning about homelessness and how it impacts teens and adults in Boerne.
· More Info: Contact Calleen Friedel, Outreach Elder, St. Mark Presbyterian Church at