The story of Alchemist Coffee began through friendship that sparked between Kris Price and Tyler Freeman. After quickly bonding through their similar work ethic, personalities, and complimentary background in the coffee industry, they set off on an adventure to create this innovative company together. The name just felt right to them because as it symbolized the creativity, magic, and mystery they had envisioned. Soon after, they brought in close friend and local artist Kelly Knopp to transform their ideas into the unique bird and coffee-cup insignia.
In April 2021 their vision came to fruition after purchasing a pre-existing coffee shop and opening the first Alchemist Coffee. The shop quickly filled with locals enjoying locally-roasted craft coffee made with beans sourced from small, family-owned farms. By December, their second location was built in West End. “You can usually walk into a coffee shop and paint a picture in your head of what it’s going to look like,” Kris explained, but instead of a corporate-like atmosphere or expected white decor, “We wanted to do the opposite.” Their spaces exude an organic, warm, and magical ambience. The black walls compliment the deep-toned furniture accented with cool lighting and alchemy-inspired artwork, some created by Kris himself.
Continuing full-steam ahead, they are pouring their heart and souls into creating a “transformative coffee experience.” While the deliciously smooth coffee and made-in-house pastries brought people through the doors, Kris and Tyler want to provide more than just a good cup of joe. Alchemist Coffee is a full day environment, offering a place to work, study or gather together with offerings of coffee, tea, pastries, and food during the day, followed by live music and house-crafted beer and other adult beverages in the evening.
When they aren’t talking with customers or serving unique creations like their bourbon caramel or turmeric lattes, Kris and Tyler are busy planning and building. In addition to their newest location in Eagle, they have acquired a spot in Cartwright Ranch as well as a Downtown Boise location that will function as a cafe and full vegan gastropub. The previous Crooked Fence Brewery will be transformed into a production facility for their coffee, teas, Kombucha, and beer. They hope to produce all food and beverages in-house for their coffee shops, and have also started to offer goods in the local stores including the Boise Co-Op.
Alchemist Coffee is an inviting and magical setting for all to enjoy. While things may be moving quickly behind the scenes, there’s still a sense of natural ease within each location, as Tyler notes, “We do really like growing organically and just letting it happen.” While Tyler and Kris want their customers to relax and enjoy the warm environment, Kris jokes, “This is as much as you’ll ever see me sitting down.