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#8, He's So Great

Get to know Suns Guard Grayson Allen off the Court

Two, threeeeeeee is music to Grayson Allen’s ears.

The king of 3-pointers is sticking around the Valley after signing a four-year, $70 million contract extension with the Phoenix Suns.

However, while the pro player is fire on the court, he’s a soft, humble, kind soul at heart. We know this because we got to spend an afternoon with the Suns guard hanging around their training facility off Camelback.

The Suns superstar is as down-to-earth as they come, and it was a joy, honor and privilege to have a down-to-earth convo with #8, the great. 

How does it feel to be staying with the Suns?

It feels great. I am happy to be here and be part of this team. It’s a great organization, and an awesome place to live. 

Are you living your dream?

It’s surreal. The afternoon I signed the contract, I couldn’t stop thinking how lucky we are, how grateful we are, and how blessed we are because we're in an incredible situation.

Looking back over the season, what’s been your most memorable game?

It was a comeback game against Sacramento. We were down 20, with five minutes left. We had a crazy comeback, and it was the loudest I ever heard. Just so crazy- the crowd went nuts.

Do you have any pregame rituals before you hit the court?

I have the same routine every game day. I take a nap, head to the arena, do treatment time and always eat the same meal... usually salmon or steak with potatoes and broccoli. Then I go to our team chapel an hour before the game. After that, it's go time.

Being fairly new to Arizona, fans instantly embraced you, kids idolize you, and the crowd goes wild when you sink 3s. How does it all feel?

It feels awesome. In the NBA, this is probably the most loved and the most accepted I have ever felt from a fan base. It doesn’t go unnoticed by me; I really appreciate it. It's a cool reminder and a cool thing whenever you run through the tunnel and kids are wearing your jersey wanting autographs.  

What have you learned in basketball that will carry you forever?

Basketball has taught me to stay level-headed. When things go wrong, I’ve learned there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve learned to not get too high and mighty, lose sight or lose focus.

What's your workout regimen?

One thing I consistently do is lift heavy after games. I like to do deadlifts squats and feel it helps ease pain and recovery.

Who has been your biggest influence in your career?

My coach at Duke. He shaped me into landing the NBA.

You met your wife at Duke. Was it love at first sight?

We started off as friends, but I kind of knew the whole time, though, that I wanted to date her. Morgan was special.

She's an athlete and a go-getter. Very on top of things, funny and has a great personality. Morgan is all the things I lack and picks up the slack for me.

Would you and Morgan rather go out to eat or cook at home?

Most of the time we cook at home – she does the cooking and makes a variety of potatoes. They’re sliced and stuffed with cream cheese or sour cream. I love them.

So, the way to your heart is potatoes. What’s your ideal date?

We like seeing movies, hiking, taking our dogs out and day tripping to the lake.

Do you plan on having a family at some point?


Describe your style.

I keep it simple. I have about seven sweatsuits I rotate, and that's my “walk into the game” outfit. And then 99% of the time I'm wearing bands; simple old school bands.

Any reason you’re #8?

I’ve been #3 for most of my career, but that’s taken, so 8 it was.

Best advice.

My Duke coach always said that everything you do is important because you're doing it.

The season didn’t end your way being injured and not progressing in the playoffs. What do you hope moving forward?

I really believe we can win a championship and I’m proud of the team we’ve built. I know we can do special things together.

What's something people don’t know about you?

I’m a slight computer nerd, like a tech nerd.

I know a lot about computers and PCs and how technology works. In fact, I built a PC by myself a few years ago.

So, if basketball doesn't work out, is that your Plan B?

I don't know if it's a good plan B, but I have one.

"I play best when my mind is clear. I play off instinct and anticipation."