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A Grateful Heart

Fayette County REALTOR® and associate broker with Harry Norman REALTORS®, Karen Graiser shares what she is truly grateful for.

Tell us about the life-changing circumstance that has recently affected you.

My daughter was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, a form of leukemia that presented as a lymphoma versus a blood disease. But the tumor was so large it was pushing into her lungs and she was not able to breathe effectively. Her chemotherapy was intense and we spent weeks in the hospital. She ended her chemo and rang the bell on March 17, 2023. She is now in full remission! 

How did you receive support during this time?

We had an outpouring of support from family and friends. There were meals prepared, gift cards, Uber eats at the hospital, gifts of blankets, and stuffed animals, it was a lot. It made my husband and I reassess our outlooks on life. My mentality has shifted from wanting things done on my time to slowing down and having FAITH that God will make the right things happen for me in HIS time. 

By God's grace, I managed to continue to run my business, be the president of the Women's Council of Realtors in 2022, get my broker's license in December of '22, and serve as fundraising chair for Two Sparrows Village.

What are you most grateful for this holiday season? 

My daughter's health and having her older sister home from college. Plus, I just got back from the most amazing trip to California, not to mention that our daughter received a trip from Make-A-Wish, GA to Hawaii! I am overjoyed that we've had so much family time this year. 

"My mentality has shifted from wanting things done on my time to slowing down and having FAITH that God will make the right things happen for me in HIS time."

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