Rebekah Lyons is uniquely positioned to guide you through a tumultuous time and help you find your peace-filled purpose. While truly talented, it is not because she is a best-selling author, national speaker, co-founder of a non-profit organization, co-host of a podcast (Rhythm of Life) and a retreat, or a mother of four children. It is because of the healing journey she herself has taken that enables her to offer strength and comfort when in the midst of a difficult season.
Rebekah met her husband, Gabe, while attending the University of Virginia. They moved to Atlanta, where they founded a nonprofit organization. Rebekah credits the birth of their son, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome, as the catalyst for the creation of Q Ideas. “Our hearts were stirred toward things that were more important. We wanted to help others.”
Rebekah and Gabe became interested in how faith interacts with culture. Q Ideas hosts Cultural Summits to help spiritual leaders navigate complex cultures and restore faith in our communities. Rebekah and Gabe felt their calling was to serve in a new city. So they up and moved to a major cultural hub, New York. “We left the comfort of the South, our cul-de-sac life, our home and everyone we knew,” says Rebekah.
They were up for the adventure, but underestimated how hard it could be in a new environment. During the first four months, Rebekah experienced panic attacks, depression and severe claustrophobia. She would go out of her way to avoid contained spaces like elevators and subways, which is challenging in New York City. “I did a lot of walking,” she jokes.“I didn’t really know
what was going on. I had no name for it at the time.”
In 2011, Rebekah woke up in the middle of the night with another panic attack and cried out, “Rescue me!” It was after that moment, her body felt flooded with peace. The next day, Rebekah stepped out of her apartment and saw the city in a new light.
“When you are sick, you see inward. You have tunnel vision. When you are healing, you look up and out.” It was then Rebekah noticed others were struggling like her.
She became one of the first voices in the church space to talk about mental health. Rebekah used her experiences to write her first book, "Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning," as a resource to help others heal. Two other
books followed: "You Are Free: Be Who You Already Are" and "Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose."
Although they were now enjoying New York life, in 2014, Rebekah and Gabe felt it was time to move on. They fell in love with Franklin after hosting a Cultural Summit in Nashville and have been here ever since. You can look forward to Rebekah's fourth book, "Building A Resilient Life" coming in May. IG: @rebekahlyons/