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The Ultimate Gift

The Inspiring Story of Loyd and Lynda Brookshire's Kidney Transplant Journey

Article by Lillian Taylor

Photography by Scottie Mae Photography-Macy Sorrell

Originally published in Gulf Coast City Lifestyle

In the state of Alabama, there are thousands of individuals in need of organ donations to save their lives. However, amidst this challenging situation, a heartwarming story of hope and selflessness emerged. Loyd and Lynda Brookshire, a couple battling kidney failure, received a second chance at life when their friend and fellow businessman, Josh Hall, selflessly donated his kidney to them. This extraordinary act of kindness has not only transformed the lives of Loyd and Lynda but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance and impact of organ donation in our communities. 

Loyd Brookshire had been battling kidney failure, a debilitating condition that left the couple in a constant state of exhaustion and future dependency on dialysis treatments. Their lives, once full of energy and zest, were now constrained by the limitations imposed by Loyd’s failing kidneys. The couple's world seemed to grow smaller as they awaited an organ transplant, knowing that a donor could be their only chance at a new lease on life and may take years to find the perfect match. 

Enter Josh Hall, a close friend and fellow businessman who witnessed the struggle faced by Loyd and Lynda firsthand. Moved by empathy and a desire to make a difference, Josh made the courageous decision to undergo testing to determine if he could be a suitable kidney donor. His compatibility with Loyd came as a remarkable surprise, and without hesitation, he committed to donating one of his kidneys to help his friend who was clearly in need. 

Undergoing a kidney transplant is an intricate and delicate process, but with the support and expertise of the medical team, Loyd successfully received the life-altering transplant. The surgery not only brought immediate relief to his body but also infused a renewed sense of hope and gratitude into their lives. Loyd Brookshire is now thriving, no longer confined by kidney failure, and he and his family are eternally grateful for the miracle of transplantation. Loyd says "I got a great kidney and a great friend. Josh is like a brother to me."

Lynda, Loyd, and Josh have become passionate advocates for organ donation, aiming to raise awareness about the urgent need for donors. Through their remarkable journey, they hope to inspire others to consider registering as organ donors, emphasizing the life-saving impact of such a decision. They believe that by sharing their story, they can shatter misconceptions, address concerns, and encourage more individuals to make a difference in the lives of those awaiting organ transplants.

In Alabama, like many other states, the demand for organ donations far surpasses the supply. By highlighting the urgent need within their own community, Loyd, Lynda, and Josh aim to dispel any fears or reservations people may have about becoming organ donors. They stress that the process is carefully managed, ensuring the donor's health and well-being while providing a lifeline to those in desperate need. 

The extraordinary act of friendship and selflessness demonstrated by Loyd and Lynda's friend, Josh Hall, has not only prolonged and improved Loyd Brookshire's life but has also ignited a movement to raise awareness about organ donation in Alabama.

Their story serves as a powerful reminder that each of us has the potential to transform and save lives through organ donation. By registering as an organ donor, we can become the heroes in someone else's story, providing hope and a second chance at life. As we reflect on the inspiring journey of Loyd, Lynda, and Josh, let us honor their courage by considering our own role in this life saving miracle. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that the thousands in need of organ transplants in Alabama and beyond are given the gift of life they so desperately deserve.

The Brookshire family and Josh Hall would like to thank everyone who have helped to raise awareness and offered the gift of life to others through their selfless donations. They also encourage others to share awareness about the life saving benefit of organ donation by registering and visiting the websites listed to learn more information. 

To become a registered donor for kidney transplants you can visit  or contact: 

Tamika Wiggins, RN, MSN 

UAB Medicine Pre-transplant Coordinator

Comprehensive Transplant Institute

11th Floor Jefferson Tower

625 19th Street South

Birmingham, AL 35294-6961 

(205) 975 - 7977

To register nationally for organ donation you can also visit 

Josh gave us hope when we needed it and is proof that God still works miracles everyday. 

  • Lynda, Loyd, and Josh