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A Nod To Fatherhood

Being A Dad Isn't Easy. Thanks for Being Mine!

Dad, what was the scariest thing about becoming a father? 

"Becoming a parent is intimidating. You suddenly become responsible for the life of another person and the generations to come after through your little one."

What does being a DAD mean to you? 

"Fatherhood should be the embodiment of the Heavenly Father’s love here on Earth. A father should be a provider, protector and prophet for the household. You’re responsible for establishing the discipline and rewards systems in the house to create structure and stability. Fatherhood is not hard work, but it’s ‘heart’ work."

What's your biggest accomplishment as a father? 

"As a dad, I am proud to say I put my kids through high school and college, and even honored that my kids still call home every day. It’s a connection that continues even as my children are thriving in adulthood."

Thank You!

"Dad, thank you for always being there when we need you! You are our family’s rock, comedic relief and helping hand. I am grateful to have you as a father and friend. Two thumbs up for raising us and giving us a life full of beautiful memories. This is my nod to fatherhood!"

  • Chelsea Haynes, Studio STL Host