He’s a Phoenix Suns standout; she’s a proud mom, mental health advocate, and co-founder of Domaine Curry Wine. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Sydel Curry-Lee, with her warmth, wit, and authenticity, gave us an exclusive glimpse into life with her NBA husband, Damion Lee.
From their love story to juggling careers and family, Sydel even dished on which of them would thrive most if they swapped jobs for the day. Spoiler: those Curry genes come with a killer jump-shot.
Who made the first move, and how did it go?
Damion made the first move. We were mutual friends for years, but come summer of 2016, I was finally single. He knew I spent most of my summers in the Bay Area visiting family and that was where he was doing pre-draft workouts. He asked me if I wanted to show him around the Bay while we were both out there, and after 4 dates in 5 days, I was sold.
What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever argued about?
Oh, my goodness… we’ve been married 6 years and together for 8 so we surely have a long list of silly arguments.
What’s your secret to keeping the spark alive?
We try to make sure to set time for each other. We are incredibly blessed to have a village of support and help with our kids, so if we need a night out, staycation or even a trip away, we are intentional about planning them knowing our kids are in good hands. We also just laugh A LOT. In fact, that’s what attracted me to Damion the most when we first met… how funny he is. Even when days are long or are in rough patches, we both try to remember to be soft with each other, let out guards down, and laugh it out.
Speaking of laughter being the best medicine, what does Damion do to get your giggles going?
We have the same sense of humor. We can both make a joke out of pretty much anything and have a ton of inside jokes.
What’s your favorite memory from your wedding day?
Omg, our wedding was incredible… 10/10. My favorite memory was probably when I walked down the aisle… I was surrounded by my dad, my pastor, and Damion. I looked down and saw that Damion had custom shoes made with our dogs’ faces on them, since they couldn’t be there for the day, and I looked up and saw all three men in tears. Something about seeing outwardly emotional men just softens my heart and that was such a special moment for me.
If you could describe your relationship in a song, what would it be?
Fantasia’s, “When I See You.”
How do you handle disagreements or tough moments in your relationship?
Therapy, therapy, therapy. I think it’s silly to think we as humans must carry the weight of living life, having a marriage, raising children, working, etc. and do it all successfully and without help.
What’s Damion’s most endearing or surprising habit?
Damion is always considering of my opinion or thoughts. That is one thing I never realized I wanted in a partner until I was in a relationship. Something about your partner asking your opinion on everything- big or little- shows me just how much he values my input, and I think that’s so special.
What’s one thing you’ve learned from Damion that has changed your life for the better?
It will all be okay. Damion is very even keel- realistic but calm. He is the peace that I need when I get overwhelmed or just out of my head. I’ve learned the power of creating your own kind of peace from him.
What is your key to building a love that lasts a lifetime?
Having a solid base and being together for the right reasons.
What’s the most romantic thing Damion has ever done for you?
Bought me a Kelly Hermes Bag in Paris… equally, sent me Taco Bell to the house when I was pregnant and crying.
What’s your joined go-to guilty pleasure TV show you both pretend not to love?
Love Island UK.
Who’s more likely to win a couple’s game night?
I don’t know, we are both super competitive… but probably Damion if I had to pick.
If you had to cook a meal together, who’s the chef and sous-chef (or dishwasher)?
Sydel- Chef and Sous Chef.
Damion- Dishwasher
Who would survive longer on a deserted island, and why?
Probably Damion. He’s a simple guy and doesn’t need much!
Who’s more likely to randomly start singing in the car?
Damion for sure.
If you were to swap jobs for a day, who would handle it better?
Me10,000%. I’m a Curry after all… I’ve got a jump-shot on me.